Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Monday Mornings~

My Monday mornings just aren't the same anymore. I used to look forward to them and now I don't know what to do with my Mondays. Mondays were the days that I would get in my long talks with my Mom. We usually wouldn't talk over the weekend because I was busy with the kids and she was busy doing her stuff, so Mondays was our day to catch up.

If I had errands to do in the morning I would try and have it all done and be home before 10 o'clock my time. Then I could call her when I got home. I still look at the clock when I'm out and I think oh it's after ten and Mom should be up now. But then I have to back track and think no.....that's not it. I can't call her when I get home or there won't be a message on my machine from her saying she was just calling to see what I was doing and to call her back when I get a chance.

Sometimes it would be a race to see who would call who first. She would say I was just going to call you! That would happen every time. What I would give for another phone call and hear her say I was just going to call you!!!

Most Mondays we would talk for at least 45 minutes to an hour. What did we talk about? Too many things to even name. Those conversations mean the world to me and how I wish I still had my Monday morning talks with my Mom. Of course I still have the last message she left me on my answering machine...but I still can't play it. I want to hear her voice, but it's when she was telling me about her doctors appointment and for me not to worry , because she knows how I'm. I have to hurry and get to the next messages because I know that if I hear it's just going to break my heart, not that it's not already broken!

1 comment:

Lyndsey said...

I used to accidentally call Mom on a Monday, and it would ring and ring, and then I would say "DUH, It's Monday! She's on the phone with Lori." It was just one of those things where I would pick the phone up to call her to ask her some dumb question and then look at the clock as it's ringing and ringing, and then walk over to window and see her car, and then I'd realize it. She did love those Monday morning conversations too, and she'd always tell me you called her and she'd day "I was just going to call you." And you guys would laugh and you would say "yeah sure you always say that!" I know it's hard to figure out what to do, and every day for the rest of your life I am sure you will look at the clock on Monday mornings, and think about Mom. It's not easy, and I know it's much harder being far away, but you know you can call me on Monday mornings. But it's not the same, I know. Maybe there's something you could do to think of Mom on those Mondays like go on a walk(when it's nice), or work on her scrapbook, at least for that 45-60 minutes on Monday morning. But just for the record, I know she loved those Mondays just as much as you did, and I have a feeling, she's now with you on Mondays instead of talking to you....