Friday, March 26, 2010

Young Achievers Nomination

I come home yesterday to find a letter in the mailbox telling us that Ty has been nominated for the Young Achievers Award. It's a pretty big thing here in Lexington. I remember seeing these pictures up at the beginning of the school year in the school of about 10 kids with letters attached to them talking about themselves and thinking to myself, that those parents must be very proud of them. Come to find out my son is going to be one of those kids! Talk about a "wow" moment!

He will have to go and get his picture taken and they also talk about something to do with the media...not really sure what that means, but it sounds pretty good. He also has a chance to win a $1000 savings bond! I guess one student from each school will win, but the $1000 will only be awarded to the top winner.

One of my first thoughts was that I wanted to call my Mom. She would have been so happy and so proud of him. I know lots of people will be, but I wanted to hear her voice yesterday and see what she thought of it.

He was very excited when I told him the news. He thinks it's pretty cool. Now all we have to do is fill out the forms and get them turned in and get his picture taken. Then I guess we just wait it out. I think it's a long wait. I don't think we will know anything until next year! But that's okay...I can wait!


Bettie said...

That is just so wonderful for Ty. You and Tim must be very proud.

Lyndsey said...

Ty is such an amazing smart boy! I hope he enjoys this moment in the spot light, and knows how very proud we are of him.

Kelly said...

That's great! Some parent will be looking at his picture hanging up and will be thinking how proud his parents must be. How wonderful!