Sunday, May 29, 2011

Late night game~

Okay...last night we...or should I say Ty had a baseball game.  It started at about 7:20 last night.....not so bad for a Saturday night.  But It went on and on and on!  The team we played was the top dog....number one......has only lost one game!  But guess what?  We won!!!  And wouldn't you know son....who hasn't got a hit all year long started it off!!!  Yippee for Ty!!!!

 I was so nervous when he got up to bat...we were in the last inning.....the score was 4-8.  So, it was looking pretty bleak!  Not much hope for us.  Well, the first batter walked.....then Ty was up...I just was praying that he would either walk or get a hit.  And wouldn't you know it he got a hit.  A pretty good hit.  It went all the way out to center left field!!!  Then everyone hit!!  WOW!!!  It was so nice to have him hit the ball....finally!  Maybe this will give him a little confidence....he sure needs it.

Just had to share that with all of you!

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