Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day~

It's Mother's Day....................

My morning started out with Emmie coming into my bed.  She said....." Happy Mother's Day" and then went on to say that "I know that this day is sad for you and your sisters.  I know you all must miss your Mom so much"...she says.   I said "yes we do miss her....a lot."  Then the moment was gone.  She was back to talking about her little dogs and whats for breakfast.   

It's not like I need this one day to think of my Mom or remember her.....I think of her every day and remember little things about her that I may have forgotten about.  They just pop into my head.  I love it when that happens!  It's like a forgotten memory.  I love just sitting and thinking.....thinking about all the things we used to do, all the things we used to talk about.  Those memories bring me comfort. 

Here Mom and Dad are with all the grandkids.....Carter is just a little Baby here. 

                  I just wanted to add a few pictures of mom on this day............Mothers Day. are missed and loved so very much.  You are thought of by all of us and talked about every day...not only by me, but your grandkids.  They wish that you were here.  We can't wait to come home this summer and give you the prettiest, pink flowers that we can find.  I know how much you enjoyed giving flowers to others. 

Happy Mothers Day to the best Mom a daughter could ever ask for..........I Love you~

1 comment:

Lyndsey said...

That was nice of Emmie to think of all of us. I just think she is so sweet! The picture is cute of all the kids. I showed Carter and he thought it was so cool that Grandma was holding HIM! I wish we could go back to those days....for lots of reasons. I hope your Mother's day was a good one. I know it's true that just because it's Mother's day doesn't mean much. I think about her everyday and all the time like you do. We don't need a special occassion to remind us of what a good mom she was. But I do wish we could have spent it with her.