Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Best Thing in Life.........

"The Best thing in Life is when your family becomes your friend;
and your friends become your family!"

I remember hearing that and I instantly thought of my Mom. She was still in the hospice house at that time and I was getting ready at her house one morning listening to Good Morning America, her favorite news in the morning. She enjoyed that show and we would talk about Robin, Diane and what was going on. I'm glad we got to use that saying in her program, I know she would have liked that. She had so many people in her life that were not only her family, but were also her friends and some of her friends that turned into family and that we now think of in that way. She just had a way about her that made you want to be her friend.

Like all of you.......You are not only my family, but you are also my friend! It means a lot to me that I have you all in my life. Even though I'm far away......these last few months I have felt like I have you all around me, supporting me from a distance! That means everything to me. I know it's just not me going through this alone, it's all of you also. Thanks for everything! I know that I can never truly express my thanks for all that you have done, but I'm truly blessed to have each and every one of you in my life! Thanks for taking time out of your day to read my blog, it means a lot to me that you are interested in how I'm feeling and what I'm going through.

1 comment:

christine said...

When I first saw that statement I really thought how true it is. I consider you one of my best friends, ever since the OJ days you have always been there for me in all aspects - the good, the bad and just daily life.

And as far as your Mom, the statement couldn't be more true. Everyone she met became a friend and look at all the people over the years that seem like family now.

I am really glad that you can feel all the support that everyone has for you! You deserve it!

I am excited to see you next month!

Love, Christine