Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Here are a few new pictures of the kids.  I have been slacking on putting some new ones up!  This first one is of Devin in his Chef jacket!  I need to get one of him in full uniform.  He is really enjoying this class.  Maybe soon he will be cooking dinner for the family!!  That would be nice!  He made fudge on Friday....but some how it never made it home!  

 Here is Emmie in a cute little skirt that Lyndsey got her.  I of course forgot what it's called!  Isn't it the cutest thing ever!!!  I just love the colors!  She wore it for for three straight days!  She loves to put it on as soon as she gets home from school!  I need to get her some little pants to go under it now that the weather is getting a little cooler...then she could wear it to school!  Then there is Ty!!  I still  have not got a picture of him in his fall ball uniform!!  I know bad Mom!!  He only has one more game left.  I will have to get one next week. 


christine said...

Great photos!!

Lanette said...

Devin is sooooo handsome in his chef gear!!! And wow, Ty might be grinning slightly. I like it! And of course, Emmie Laine is adorable as ever. I miss all those faces. Yours too... :(