Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Photos of my Mom~

Today I thought I would just put up a few of my favorite pictures of my Mom.  The first one of Mom is when she is holding Emmie.  I just love it.  They both look so comfy!  Like Emmie belongs in her arms!  This one is a keeper for sure.  Emmie will love this when she gets older.  The second picture is one that Ty took.  Mom is smiling for Ty....I love it.  The third one I kind of took from Jolene's Face book page...I saw it and had to have it!!  I hope she doesn't mind that I took it!  Mom just looks so happy and pretty in this picture.  It's one of my favorite pictures of her.   A lot of my pictures of Mom are a little older so I can't put them on the scanner isn't working!!!   So, I thought I would just put these few up today.  Just in memory of her.  She is always on my mind, in my heart.
Emmie and Mom

Ty took this photo

I took this photo from Jolene's FB page...hope she doesn't mind!!  I just thought it was such a great picture of Mom!


christine said...

These are great pictures Lori!

Lyndsey said...

I love that last one! I've never seen that before....might have to get a copy of it!!! Emmie looks so perfect in Mom's she was made to be Mom's grand daughter...I think she was!!!