Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My little reminder~

A couple of months ago I got a REALLY special package in the mail.  It was special for many reasons.  The lady that sent it to me means the world to me!  It was like I had a little mini Christmas that day. 

I took my package downstairs and opened it up.  Inside where all these little packages wrapped in PINK tissue paper!  Too cute!  I was very emotional as I unwrapped each and every one of those gifts!  They all had such special meaning!  This lady went all out!!  She always does!!  She never does anything half know I'm talking about Barbara!!  She got me a pink shirt and a matching vest.  Then she gets me this purse and inside the purse it has pockets....and inside the pockets there are little gifts!!!  All of it was wonderful and very special! 

Now there is still one more gift inside the box...this one is from my sisters.  I'm not really sure what it could be.  So, I pick it up and start unwrapping it and instantly I see the soft pink ear and I start crying!!  Emmie is standing beside me and she is asking me what is wrong...well to tell you the truth I'm crying pretty hard.  I sit on the chair and continue to pull out the rest of the gift.  Emmie is looking at me very strangely...wondering why I'm crying over a stuffed animal.  She doesn't know that it was my Mom's...she doesn't know what it means to have it in my hands. 

The story behind the pink and white stuffed dog~

Leah and I were at the hospital with Mom, the first time she was in.  She was talking about wanting one of those big pillows that you can sit up in bed with, so we went shopping.  She had a big pillow at her house and we ended up getting her a new pillowcase, but we wanted to get her something else.  Leah thought about a stuffed animal...and if we were going to get her one...we might as well get her a little cute dog!  We saw a few and even had one in our hands, but then Leah saw this pink one!!  That was it...this was the one for Mom!!  She LOVED it!!!  She used it to keep her comfortable...under her arms and so forth.  It was a hit. 

She had it with her when she was at the hospice house, I think it just made her feel better.

So, anyways........

For some reason that I can't even recall....after she passed away and we all went into see her , I must have picked up the pink little dog!  Because I remember having it in my hands the whole time.  I may have put it down for the toast, but I remember walking out with it. 

I told Emmie all about the Pink little dog and she liked that it was Grandmas and one day when she wasn't feeling good I asked her if she wanted to hold it and maybe it would make her feel better and she did and of course it made her feel better! :)  Then she asked if she could sleep with it one night and then one night turned into two nights and so on.  But the thing is that every morning she puts that pink little dog right back in my room...just to go back and get it later that night.  But that's okay...I think my Mom would be okay with that....she would like for us to share her little pink day I'll give her that pink dog, but right now I can't part with it.

It's my little reminder about how happy it made my Mom and now it makes me happy and Emmie!  Thanks Leah, Lyndsey and Lanette for letting me have it!  I know that every piece of Mom is so precious to all of us~

1 comment:

Lyndsey said...

I finally got to read this today. I have been wanting to ever since I heard it was up there and knew I would need to wait until I wasn't going anywhere so I wouldn't have tear stained eyes.
Barbara worked on your package for a long time and she was so excited to give it to you. She couldn't wait for you to open it. I remember her showing me everything and I just thought how cool that was and how much you would treasure everything from her. Then I said something about the dog, and Barbara thought it was a great idea. I had to clear it with Leah first, but I knew she'd be fine. It had been in the bedroom that you slept in since the day you left. She was not taking it and you were not taking it! Well now you have it, and aren't you glad? It meant a lot to you both and I know Leah knows it's in the right hands. Mom did love it. I remember it sitting there under her little arms and I remember thinking that's exactly what Mom would do. It reminded me of something she would have done for Ashley to make her a little more comfy. Just think now, Ashley is with her and they are watching Emmie and you share it and are so happy. Now Mom can see Emmie everyday. I am sure she is proud of her and the person that you raised her to be...