Sunday, November 23, 2008

Ty's Thanksgiving Feast

This is a picture of Ty's project that he had to do for his America month. He is really into Abraham Lincoln so he wanted to do make the log cabin that he was born in, which just happens to be here in Kentucky. His is the one with the white roof and the brown house. Well, the only log cabin that you see. They have it displayed in the school just as you walk in the front door! We just had to get a picture of that!
Here is Ty and Emmie in line for the Thanksgiving Feast at Ty's school. As you can see by Emmie's eyes she had pink eye! I wasn't able to go to the lunch because I was working at Mom's Day Out that day! It was a little depressing! That was the first time in all four years that I have missed his Thanksgiving lunch. Tim was able to go so I don't think Ty really minded all that much. I think I was more upset about it the anybody else was. I did find out that day that as of January 1st I will have a permanent position! That will be nice for both Emmie and I. No more waiting for the phone to ring on Tuesday and Thursday mornings! I do love the class I will be working in. The kids are wonderful and the day goes by fast. Look at those big swelled up eyes! They are
alot better now!

1 comment:

Lyndsey said...

That's pretty cool that Ty's stuff is displayed. I bet he worked hard on that. Emmie's eyes look pitiful. Pink eye is no fun. Hasn't struck us yet. I shouldn't say that though huh? Bummer you had to miss the feast, but at least it's only 2 days a week, so you will be able to do some stuff.