Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Christmas Advent Calendar

Can you see the excitement on the kids faces! Grandma Bettie and Grandpa Steve sent them the much awaited for Advent calendar! They all love this every year! Emmie has seen this at the store and the boys told her that Grandma usually sends them one and sure enough yesterday in the mail there it was! They have it first thing in the morning starting December first! Not a day goes by that they don't remember! Thanks Grandma Bettie and Grandpa Steve! The kids love it!!!! Now we know Christmas is just right around the corner! Sorry about Emmie's wonderful pretty hair!!!! We spent the whole day at home because it was so cold out and of course pink eye made it's way to Ty so he was at home all day. Hopefully it stops with him!

1 comment:

Lyndsey said...

I was thinking about getting the boys one, but I don't know if they're too little still. They look happy to have gotten them though, despite being plagued with pink eye. Poor kids! Hopefully it doesn't get past Ty!