Friday, December 19, 2008

Emmie gets a hair cut!

Here is a picture of Emmie before we got her hair cut. She has been putting it off for some time. It's just been getting really hard for me to brush and it's been taking me a long time to get all of the tangles out of it. She did not want it short, which I told her was fine. We just needed to cut off the ends and try and make it a little more healthy looking.
Just getting ready for the cut!

I kind of liked this picture of her with it all up and it showed where we were starting the cut at. The lady that was cutting her hair asked me if I would like to take the first cut! I said no. I didn't want to mess it up.

I do have to tell you that she did cry a little bit while getting it cut! It was a little sad for her.

Here it is all done. I think it looks pretty cute. Now she can even wear her hair down and it will look good. Before the only way it looked good was if she was either wearing it in pony tails or in braids. What do you think? I'll try and get a picture of the front of her in the next few days. I just wanted to show the back where you can really see the difference. She ended up getting about 6 inches cut off.

1 comment:

Lyndsey said...

I love Emmie's hair! How cute! Emmie is a good girl when she gets her hair cut. I wish Colby was that nice and delightful. Good job Emmie, you look beautiful!