Friday, April 5, 2013

I know that it's been a super long time since I have done anything with this blog! No excuses! All I can say is I'm sorry. I had plans to write at least once a week...but something always seems to come up or maybe it's because my life has been kind of blah lately. See....I was making excuses!

As it turns out some things have been going on these past few weeks.  I had a ultrasound on my right breast in December and the again in March. In March they thought that it needed a closer look. The next day I went in for a biopsy.

Now that was an experience.  I do have to say that it didn't hurt. I mean the first shot to numb it wasn't bad. But it was just the whole experience of having to watch them doing it. I mean it just an in your face kind of procedure and when they are actually getting the sample and you hear the little gun go off as they get it is kind of startling at first. But after a few times you get used to it. I walked out with no pain and went to the mall shopping an hour later.

Now the waiting began. Got the call a few days later all was good. No cancer! Yay!

Two weeks pass and I get a voice mail from my not the nurse..... but  my actual .  doctor. She would like to chat with me about my ultrasound and biopsy.

Hmmmm......what would she like to chat with me about? To me that doesn't sound good when you get a call from the doctor!

So, yes I start to panic a little bit. Knowing I can't make the call until I get home. Even though it's a short ride home from sure felt like a very long drive!

I make the call.  She gets right on and says that she has looked over my report and did not like the wording on it, she then sent it over to the surgeon and they would like to see me! Yikes! I mean double yikes!! Can I go on Thursday? No....I work. But Monday....I can go on Monday

Off to the surgeon we go. I hear that he is very good and very nice....but of course when we get there he is in surgery.  But we see his PA and she is super nice and explains everything to us. Tim asks lots of questions, which is good, because I'm sure I would not have asked that many. I needed him with me.  We talk about the chances of this being benign and my chances are huge! I only have like a one percent of this being something bad. But if it is the we are catching this so early that it would be good.  

My surgery is on Wednesday. Should only take about 45 minutes. I'm not real fond of being put under. But at least it's for a really short period of time.  I would be lying if I told you I wasn't worried. You all know me....and know that I can tell you and also put on a pretty good front. But inside I'm FREAKING out! All the what ifs! What if.....! I won't even begin to tell you what I'm thinking! Scary thoughts! 

I will let you know how it goes! Keep your fingers crossed for me.


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