Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Time Machine~

Boy am I late at posting today....but I guess better late then never.  I didn't want to not post.  I missed a few  a few weeks ago and I didn't want to do that again.  I felt really bad about it. 

I know you are thinking that's a funny tital for today...but actully Ty is the one that made me think of this post.  Don't all boys think of Time Machines? 

We were in the car one morning getting ready to go to school and Ty says to me...."Don't you wish you could have a Time Machine?"  At first I just kind of don't really think about it, but after a few minutes I think to myself......yes...I do wish I had a time machine!  As the kids gets out of the car and walk to school....I start thinking more and more about this whole Time Machine. 

I go home to a quiet house and thats when I can start thinking!  I can start planning on when I would use my time machine.  I think would I use it to go home sooner?  No.....I would use it so that we could find out sooner that my Mom had breast cancer...yes, that's it.  That's when I would use my time machine!  We could save her life with this time machine!  We could save other lives! People that mean so much to us....we could save them all!!!

But then reality hits!!!  We don't have a time machine and I don't think we ever will!  I guess that's what you get when you start thinking like a 10 year old! 

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