Its funny how certain dates are never forgotten. Like today's date...December 12th. A lot of people have this date marked, maybe not on their calenders but in their minds. I knew it was coming, I could feel it. I'm still having trouble understanding why this day had to happen. But we can't take it back...she's gone. I live with that fact every day. And every day I miss her more then anyone can imagine. Yes, now I can make it through the day without crying...but the sadness is still here. Still looming over me...waiting for the moment when it just hits all of the sudden.
I see myself sitting with her that day. Having the same feelings all over again. Looking at all the people around her. Its not just on this day that this memory goes through my mind...but on today its just more vivid. My heart still aches to see her, to hear her say my name, to see her walk towards my children and give them a hug.
I'm a 42 year old woman and I need my Mom.
Two years~
Monday, December 12, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Something was missing.....
I went into Vancouver this weekend.....that still sounds strange to me...that I can just go into Vancouver....CRAZY!! Well, I just went for Saturday night and came home on Sunday. I went to celebrate Lanette and Lyndsey's birthday and we were also going to be getting Devin's Senior pictures taken. Kind of a two for weekend. A quick weekend...well they are all quick...but at least I can do these weekends now.
The day started with a trip to the pumpkin patch with Leah, Andy, Joe, Lyndsey, Colby, Carter and my family. Ivy and her cute little family was also there. It would have really been nice if Lanette and the girls would have been able to come along. But I know how things come up. Maybe next year we can all do it together!! I hope so. Those are the things I look forward to doing with family...all the little things. How I have missed that....all these 11 long years that we have been gone.
After the pumpkin patch we went out to dinner with everyone. My Dad wanted to take us all out for our birthdays. It was very nice of him to do this.
As we are sitting there.....I start to look around and to think to myself...something is missing. Well, not something....someone. I get a lump in my throat and sit there for a few minutes thinking about her....looking at the place I know she would be sitting. By my Dad. I know she would have loved this night...all of us together again...finally!
I'm sure other people there may have thought the same thing that I was thinking that night and wished that she was sitting in that spot. What I wouldn't have done to have her with us that night and every other night.
Today is her birthday....Happy Birthday Mom! You are still thought of every day...not only by my...but by so many. You are still missed more then I can voice in this post. My thoughts are never far from you.
Something was missing that night and always will be......................
The day started with a trip to the pumpkin patch with Leah, Andy, Joe, Lyndsey, Colby, Carter and my family. Ivy and her cute little family was also there. It would have really been nice if Lanette and the girls would have been able to come along. But I know how things come up. Maybe next year we can all do it together!! I hope so. Those are the things I look forward to doing with family...all the little things. How I have missed that....all these 11 long years that we have been gone.
After the pumpkin patch we went out to dinner with everyone. My Dad wanted to take us all out for our birthdays. It was very nice of him to do this.
As we are sitting there.....I start to look around and to think to myself...something is missing. Well, not something....someone. I get a lump in my throat and sit there for a few minutes thinking about her....looking at the place I know she would be sitting. By my Dad. I know she would have loved this night...all of us together again...finally!
I'm sure other people there may have thought the same thing that I was thinking that night and wished that she was sitting in that spot. What I wouldn't have done to have her with us that night and every other night.
Today is her birthday....Happy Birthday Mom! You are still thought of every day...not only by my...but by so many. You are still missed more then I can voice in this post. My thoughts are never far from you.
Something was missing that night and always will be......................
Thursday, September 29, 2011
No Computer at home.......SUCKS!!!!
I'm not sure how many times I can say this but no computer at sucks! And I mean sucks....BIG TIME!!! I can't do any of the things that I'm used to do doing! Like keeping up with my blog! Did you see the date of my last post? It was September 7th!!! I mean whats up with that? That pretty much sucks! UGH!!! Can I say it one more time! IT SUCKS!!!!!! maybe I got that out of my system...maybe. I might have to throw
it in one more time before this post is done!
So, you might ask...Whats been going on in my life since the 7th of September?
Well, I turned another year older! Do I feel older? Not really. I don't feel the age that my birth certificate says that I'm. Whats a number? Just a number...right? That's what i say! It's how you feel in side......blah blah blah! I guess that's how I'm feeling today...pretty much on the blah side. Not such a good day to be blogging! But I'm here sitting at my not so favorite spot in the library. I would much rather be sitting in my house......okay here sucks! Just had to get it in one more time!
I did do the Race for the Cure this year! I loved it! It felt so good to be out there walking with my family and everyone else! Doing it for my Mom and Aunt Barbara...and not to mention trying to find a cure for this crazy disease! It was so nice to see all the people out....doing it for someone the loved or someone that is fighting! I would post some pictures....but I can't! You know why! I won't say it!
Kids are enjoying school. They all have made some friends. So, that makes me feel better.
Tim works a lot! More then he did in Kentucky. So, we don't really see him that much. We works pretty long hours during the week and hasn't really had a weekend off. I guess that's what it takes when you are starting a new job. Hopefully after football it will slow down a little for him....we can only hope.
Other then that...not much else going on around here. It's nice to be close to home and it's nice to be able to get in the car and drive down for a weekend and see family and have family come up and see us. We enjoy having family up.
PS. Did I tell you that not having a computer at home sucks? Had to get one more in before I was done! maybe I got that out of my system...maybe. I might have to throw
it in one more time before this post is done!
So, you might ask...Whats been going on in my life since the 7th of September?
Well, I turned another year older! Do I feel older? Not really. I don't feel the age that my birth certificate says that I'm. Whats a number? Just a number...right? That's what i say! It's how you feel in side......blah blah blah! I guess that's how I'm feeling today...pretty much on the blah side. Not such a good day to be blogging! But I'm here sitting at my not so favorite spot in the library. I would much rather be sitting in my house......okay here sucks! Just had to get it in one more time!
I did do the Race for the Cure this year! I loved it! It felt so good to be out there walking with my family and everyone else! Doing it for my Mom and Aunt Barbara...and not to mention trying to find a cure for this crazy disease! It was so nice to see all the people out....doing it for someone the loved or someone that is fighting! I would post some pictures....but I can't! You know why! I won't say it!
Kids are enjoying school. They all have made some friends. So, that makes me feel better.
Tim works a lot! More then he did in Kentucky. So, we don't really see him that much. We works pretty long hours during the week and hasn't really had a weekend off. I guess that's what it takes when you are starting a new job. Hopefully after football it will slow down a little for him....we can only hope.
Other then that...not much else going on around here. It's nice to be close to home and it's nice to be able to get in the car and drive down for a weekend and see family and have family come up and see us. We enjoy having family up.
PS. Did I tell you that not having a computer at home sucks? Had to get one more in before I was done!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Back to School~
Today was the day.....
The kids are back to school. To tell you the truth it was a little hard for me today. Not because they were going back to school....but because I'm not used to the school. It's different. It's not what we are used to.
For 6 years we took our children to the schools that we knew. We knew the rules. We knew what to do. So, when today rolled around we were kind of not in the loop! I hate not being int the loop!
We used to be able to walk in to the classroom on the first day and take pictures of them and pictures were taken! First time that hasn't taken place. Nope...I didn't like that...not one bit. Yes, I did get the first day photos, but not the class ones! Yes, I'm a little bummed out. But what can you do? Not much !
The teachers seemed nice.....but they just weren't what I'm used to. I know you are saying just quit complaining! You are here...You are back in Washington! But if I could have taken one thing and put it here for would have been the schools! I loved them!
Okay...I'll stop now. On a good note....I went to Kohl's to get some work out pants for the Walk for the Cure and I walked out without paying a dime!!! I know! How cool is that!! I'm not really sure what happened but I thought they were one sale for $21 and they ended up being on clearance for $3 and I had a $10 cash card. I got it for nothing!! Cool!! I still have $7 to spend!!
The kids are back to school. To tell you the truth it was a little hard for me today. Not because they were going back to school....but because I'm not used to the school. It's different. It's not what we are used to.
For 6 years we took our children to the schools that we knew. We knew the rules. We knew what to do. So, when today rolled around we were kind of not in the loop! I hate not being int the loop!
We used to be able to walk in to the classroom on the first day and take pictures of them and pictures were taken! First time that hasn't taken place. Nope...I didn't like that...not one bit. Yes, I did get the first day photos, but not the class ones! Yes, I'm a little bummed out. But what can you do? Not much !
The teachers seemed nice.....but they just weren't what I'm used to. I know you are saying just quit complaining! You are here...You are back in Washington! But if I could have taken one thing and put it here for would have been the schools! I loved them!
Okay...I'll stop now. On a good note....I went to Kohl's to get some work out pants for the Walk for the Cure and I walked out without paying a dime!!! I know! How cool is that!! I'm not really sure what happened but I thought they were one sale for $21 and they ended up being on clearance for $3 and I had a $10 cash card. I got it for nothing!! Cool!! I still have $7 to spend!!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Her dream~
I'm home.....
Shes not here....
This isn't the way we planned it.
This was her dream...our dream.
We talked about this......I can't count how many times we talked about it.
She would have been thrilled, happy and overjoyed!
Her grandchildren were finally coming home! She could see them whenever she wanted.
Her dream came later then we would have wanted. But I know she is happy that we are finally home. Home......and with our families.
It's still hard for me to be in her house. I see her sitting there on the couch....when she was healthy and when she was sick. I see her everywhere I look. Every little thing she picked out, she hung up, she shopped for. It's her.
So many emotions.
I know it will get better as I spend more time in the house.
Your dream finally came true Mom~
Shes not here....
This isn't the way we planned it.
This was her dream...our dream.
We talked about this......I can't count how many times we talked about it.
She would have been thrilled, happy and overjoyed!
Her grandchildren were finally coming home! She could see them whenever she wanted.
Her dream came later then we would have wanted. But I know she is happy that we are finally home. Home......and with our families.
It's still hard for me to be in her house. I see her sitting there on the couch....when she was healthy and when she was sick. I see her everywhere I look. Every little thing she picked out, she hung up, she shopped for. It's her.
So many emotions.
I know it will get better as I spend more time in the house.
Your dream finally came true Mom~
Starting Over~
Here we are again.....
In a new house....
In a new city....
But the good thing is it's not a new state to us.
We have now been here a few days over a month! I still can't believe that we are here...that we are home. Even as I write this it still seems hard to believe...we are home. And believe me I have told Tim we are not leaving this state again!!! He agrees!!
I'm still trying to find my way around town. It's hard trying to figure out where to go for all the normal day to day things. Like where is the best place for groceries. We just found the mall on Sunday....we just went to one store. I need to go back and see what they have...but it's not close. You have to go on this freeway and get on this other freeway!!! Ugh!! It's just not a hop around the corner like I had it in Lexington! I did get lost a week or so ago trying to find that's a store you must be able to find! But have no fear....we did find it a few days later! I knew I could do it!
Now we are getting ready to start a new school year....a new school for the kids! As much as I love being home...I'm kinda sad about the schools. I loved the school back in Kentucky...well in Lexington! They were great! My kids did so well in them. I knew what to expect as the new school year rolled around. I knew what to do...where to go! I just knew what to do. Now.....I know nothing!!!I'm walking into something that I'm unsure about. I'm sure the kids will do fine, but there is just that but! My worry....a Moms worry!
Then I start thinking about doctors......don't get me stated with that! Another BIG worry!!!
Stating over....hopefully for the last time~
In a new house....
In a new city....
But the good thing is it's not a new state to us.
We have now been here a few days over a month! I still can't believe that we are here...that we are home. Even as I write this it still seems hard to believe...we are home. And believe me I have told Tim we are not leaving this state again!!! He agrees!!
I'm still trying to find my way around town. It's hard trying to figure out where to go for all the normal day to day things. Like where is the best place for groceries. We just found the mall on Sunday....we just went to one store. I need to go back and see what they have...but it's not close. You have to go on this freeway and get on this other freeway!!! Ugh!! It's just not a hop around the corner like I had it in Lexington! I did get lost a week or so ago trying to find that's a store you must be able to find! But have no fear....we did find it a few days later! I knew I could do it!
Now we are getting ready to start a new school year....a new school for the kids! As much as I love being home...I'm kinda sad about the schools. I loved the school back in Kentucky...well in Lexington! They were great! My kids did so well in them. I knew what to expect as the new school year rolled around. I knew what to do...where to go! I just knew what to do. Now.....I know nothing!!!I'm walking into something that I'm unsure about. I'm sure the kids will do fine, but there is just that but! My worry....a Moms worry!
Then I start thinking about doctors......don't get me stated with that! Another BIG worry!!!
Stating over....hopefully for the last time~
Friday, August 5, 2011
I'm back!!!
I'm sure by now you have all forgotten about me! It's been so long since my last blog....but that hasn't been my fault! We do not have a computer at home!!! Yes, you heard me!! And it's driving me CRAZY!!! I need my computer hooked up! I have to go to the local library if I need to do anything on the know important get on face book, blogging and oh yeah try and find a job! So, it seems like we have been here at the library almost every day!!
We are here! We are in our house and I'm still trying to get things done. The simple things like hanging things on the walls and stuff like that. I still have some things to unpack, but it's the little unimportant things. So, the garage is a mess! But it can wait....right? I think so!
The trip here can I put this nicely? It was hellish!! I know sometimes I dislike using those words on my blog...but hey that's what it was. It seemed like every day something went wrong! Tim and I lost each other one day! I just kept on driving!! That's what he told me to do! I was just following his directions! We finally caught up with each other on the border of the next state! It was funny the next day! Had a little car trouble and Tim just left us.....kept on driving as the kids and I are shouting in the walkie talkie!!! Finally the car started going again!! Good thing! He was down the road about 30 miles wondering where we went! We didn't go anywhere!!! So, many more stories! But in the end we made it!!
We are glad to be Home! Home with our family! It still seems like I'm just visiting. I still havent' gotten my home legs yet!
PS. I guess now we can't be Kentucky kids anymore! Any ideas for a new name?
We are here! We are in our house and I'm still trying to get things done. The simple things like hanging things on the walls and stuff like that. I still have some things to unpack, but it's the little unimportant things. So, the garage is a mess! But it can wait....right? I think so!
The trip here can I put this nicely? It was hellish!! I know sometimes I dislike using those words on my blog...but hey that's what it was. It seemed like every day something went wrong! Tim and I lost each other one day! I just kept on driving!! That's what he told me to do! I was just following his directions! We finally caught up with each other on the border of the next state! It was funny the next day! Had a little car trouble and Tim just left us.....kept on driving as the kids and I are shouting in the walkie talkie!!! Finally the car started going again!! Good thing! He was down the road about 30 miles wondering where we went! We didn't go anywhere!!! So, many more stories! But in the end we made it!!
We are glad to be Home! Home with our family! It still seems like I'm just visiting. I still havent' gotten my home legs yet!
PS. I guess now we can't be Kentucky kids anymore! Any ideas for a new name?
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Bathroom #2 DONE!!!!
Okay....these bathrooms have taken us FOREVER! We knew that they would take some time....but we didn't really know that they would take us this much time! But thank gosh that they are finally done! So, I bet you are ready for some pictures.......I even took a few of the front room and dinning room for you....I know I'm just on the ball tonight.
Well, first of all I have to show you the before....well the before we had it all torn apart and ready for remodel. Are you ready for the ugliness? Here it is...if you have to cover your eyes I will's pretty scary.......
But now it's all nice and pretty. It should be Tim worked long and hard on it....but don't forget about his trusty assistant.....ME!!! I was the holder, the tool getter, painter(not so good), anything he needed and I was the one!!! Was I happy about being the trusty assistant? NOT SO MUCH.......but somebody had to do it! Here it is.........
I was a little worried about the green at first...but the more coats he put on the better it looked...or it just grew on me...I'm not sure which one. But it sure looks a lot better now. What do you think?
Now this is the dinning area....we painted it a blue/grey color. It's more grey then blue. I LOVE the color. I would do this color again for sure!
Here is the living room all painted and ready to go!
Look how nice it is! Wouldn't you buy this house? It looks 100% better now then it ever has! We have worked non-stop in this house for 3 weeks straight! From 6:30 in the morning until 11:00 at night! We are both tired and the kids are ready for some fun!
As far as the packing is going......we are actually ahead of the game on that one! We only have the kitchen and the garage to pack up and a few odds and ends. And the Christmas stuff. We had a major packing day yesterday. It felt so good to get most things packed up. We kind of want to leave a few things out this week. Just in case anyone wants to see the house since we will be putting it on the market tomorrow...not that anyone will come looking on the 4th of July! I'll be sure and get pictures of that tomorrow. You know me! Well, I just wanted to keep anyone that is interested in our progress up to date. We are counting down the days! :) I do have to admit I'm a little scared about the drive home!!! But don't tell anyone! I have never drove across the country! I have been a passenger and I did drive some, but to do it all myself.....that's scary! I have some very important people in the car with me that I need to keep safe!
Well, first of all I have to show you the before....well the before we had it all torn apart and ready for remodel. Are you ready for the ugliness? Here it is...if you have to cover your eyes I will's pretty scary.......
But now it's all nice and pretty. It should be Tim worked long and hard on it....but don't forget about his trusty assistant.....ME!!! I was the holder, the tool getter, painter(not so good), anything he needed and I was the one!!! Was I happy about being the trusty assistant? NOT SO MUCH.......but somebody had to do it! Here it is.........
I was a little worried about the green at first...but the more coats he put on the better it looked...or it just grew on me...I'm not sure which one. But it sure looks a lot better now. What do you think?
Now this is the dinning area....we painted it a blue/grey color. It's more grey then blue. I LOVE the color. I would do this color again for sure!
Here is the living room all painted and ready to go!
Look how nice it is! Wouldn't you buy this house? It looks 100% better now then it ever has! We have worked non-stop in this house for 3 weeks straight! From 6:30 in the morning until 11:00 at night! We are both tired and the kids are ready for some fun!
As far as the packing is going......we are actually ahead of the game on that one! We only have the kitchen and the garage to pack up and a few odds and ends. And the Christmas stuff. We had a major packing day yesterday. It felt so good to get most things packed up. We kind of want to leave a few things out this week. Just in case anyone wants to see the house since we will be putting it on the market tomorrow...not that anyone will come looking on the 4th of July! I'll be sure and get pictures of that tomorrow. You know me! Well, I just wanted to keep anyone that is interested in our progress up to date. We are counting down the days! :) I do have to admit I'm a little scared about the drive home!!! But don't tell anyone! I have never drove across the country! I have been a passenger and I did drive some, but to do it all myself.....that's scary! I have some very important people in the car with me that I need to keep safe!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
11 days!!!!
Eleven days!!! Now that's scary!! I'm feeling a little overwhelmed! It seems like everything is coming fast...maybe too fast! We still have so many things to do and I'm just not sure how we are going to get everything done!
The second bathroom should...and I'm saying done tomorrow if everything goes good. The plumber came today and the shower is ready to go. So, I might be able to shower in it after a year and a half!! I'm pretty excited about that. The paint that Tim picked out is well how should I say this.......well, it's GREEN! We thought it was going to be a light green...but it's GREEN! Oh well, it's up and we have to keep going with it! I guess if they don't like it then they can change it. Other then that it will look great. Bead-board went up today.
We did run into a little problem today. We had a house that we thought that we were going to rent for a year and got a call today and that fell through! So, now we are stuck looking for a house!!!! UGH!!! It's just so hard doing everything from here! Looking online is hard! But we really need to have this done. I think it would be easier to have it all figured out before we get home...then when we get home all we have to do is walk into a home!
I just wish that I had my Mom here. You don't know how many times I say this to myself. I need her help! It's just been so hard doing this without her. She has always been here for me when I have did all my moves and to not have her here with me has just put a big hole in everything. Not only for her help but for her support!
The second bathroom should...and I'm saying done tomorrow if everything goes good. The plumber came today and the shower is ready to go. So, I might be able to shower in it after a year and a half!! I'm pretty excited about that. The paint that Tim picked out is well how should I say this.......well, it's GREEN! We thought it was going to be a light green...but it's GREEN! Oh well, it's up and we have to keep going with it! I guess if they don't like it then they can change it. Other then that it will look great. Bead-board went up today.
We did run into a little problem today. We had a house that we thought that we were going to rent for a year and got a call today and that fell through! So, now we are stuck looking for a house!!!! UGH!!! It's just so hard doing everything from here! Looking online is hard! But we really need to have this done. I think it would be easier to have it all figured out before we get home...then when we get home all we have to do is walk into a home!
I just wish that I had my Mom here. You don't know how many times I say this to myself. I need her help! It's just been so hard doing this without her. She has always been here for me when I have did all my moves and to not have her here with me has just put a big hole in everything. Not only for her help but for her support!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Bathroom one pictures....finally! here it is.......the ugliest bathroom ever!!! This is the before picture. I should have taken one before we started the demo...but I forgot. We started and I just didn't cross my mind. I thought about it after we started it. You can kind of see the wallpaper on the side wall. Isn't it pretty bad? You can say yes. You won't hurt my feelings. For all of you that actually got to see it in person then you know how ugly it truly was. You got the pleasure of seeing it first hand!
I'm giving you just a little peek here. You can't really see the color on the bottom half...but it is the same color as our living room and dinning room. We got a little we just went ahead and used it up.
Are you ready? Here it is...all finished. It took is a long time...... I hope you like it!
This one I turned the light off and turned on the little light on in the corner. |
Today I got Emmie's room all cleaned up and a few boxes packed up. We sold her dresser in the garage sale. It wouldn't have made it home in the big truck. So, we are just going to have to buy her a new one when we get home. I loved it and hated to get rid of it...but it would have broke.
That's all the pictures that I have for you so far. I will post some of the other bathroom later this week. The tile man is doing the grout tomorrow and then we start the bead-board, flooring and painting on it this week. We have a busy week ahead of us again!! The house should be on the market later this week!
Saturday, June 25, 2011's Saturday~'s Saturday. We are done with bathroom number one....well besides some clean up. But pictures should be coming in the next few days. It's been a LONG few days!!! And I mean LONG!!! I'm so ready for this house to be done. It's driving me CRAZY!!!
Bathroom number two tile is up and now grout will be put in on Monday. Then the rest of the remodel has to happen! Guess what? More bead-board will be going up!!! UGH!!! But the good thing is that this bathroom has no cut outs( look I now know the lingo) and it only has two walls! So, that's great! It should only take a few hours for that. Then we have the new vanity to put in and the flooring and paint! Sounds like a lot....huh? But have no will get done.
I even had time for a garage sale this weekend! Glad that's done!
I'm just ready to start packing! I want to get things moving along so we can just get home and be done with this!
Well, I just wanted to update you and let you know that I'll be posting some pictures soon.
Bathroom number two tile is up and now grout will be put in on Monday. Then the rest of the remodel has to happen! Guess what? More bead-board will be going up!!! UGH!!! But the good thing is that this bathroom has no cut outs( look I now know the lingo) and it only has two walls! So, that's great! It should only take a few hours for that. Then we have the new vanity to put in and the flooring and paint! Sounds like a lot....huh? But have no will get done.
I even had time for a garage sale this weekend! Glad that's done!
I'm just ready to start packing! I want to get things moving along so we can just get home and be done with this!
Well, I just wanted to update you and let you know that I'll be posting some pictures soon.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Just a little update~
Well.....we are still working!!!! I'm not sure I have stopped! I don't think we will stop until we walk out this door for our long drive home! We stay up late and get up early! Eat? Whats that!
Okay so this is what we have been doing. The living room....done! Dining room.....done! Well, besides a little cleaning, but that is no big deal....I can have that done in no time. We have been working non-stop on the half bath that is off our bedroom. UGH!!! It's taking a long time, but it's finally coming together. We have put up bead-board and if you ever got the chance to see this bathroom then you know that anything would have made it look better!!! It was super UGLY!!!!!! But now it looks really good! I have taken pictures along the way and when it's done I will post them. We are putting up the last of the trim today and then all we have left to do is paint and get a mirror. We were going to hang the one that we already had....but I think that it's going to be really hard to put back up! It's huge!!! We took it out and I don't think I can bring it back in!
Tomorrow the tile guy is coming to work on the main bathroom! That will be nice to finally have that project done! Then after that it will be just little projects! Tim still has to take the tile off......hmmm.....hope he can get that done tonight!
It's just been crazy around here and did I forget to mention that I'm supposed to have a garage sale on Friday??? I haven't gotten anything done for that! I guess I'll be up late again tonight and tomorrow night and the next night! Maybe when we get home I'll be able to sleep.......but then I'll have to start unpacking!!!
Look for pictures soon!!!
Okay so this is what we have been doing. The living room....done! Dining room.....done! Well, besides a little cleaning, but that is no big deal....I can have that done in no time. We have been working non-stop on the half bath that is off our bedroom. UGH!!! It's taking a long time, but it's finally coming together. We have put up bead-board and if you ever got the chance to see this bathroom then you know that anything would have made it look better!!! It was super UGLY!!!!!! But now it looks really good! I have taken pictures along the way and when it's done I will post them. We are putting up the last of the trim today and then all we have left to do is paint and get a mirror. We were going to hang the one that we already had....but I think that it's going to be really hard to put back up! It's huge!!! We took it out and I don't think I can bring it back in!
Tomorrow the tile guy is coming to work on the main bathroom! That will be nice to finally have that project done! Then after that it will be just little projects! Tim still has to take the tile off......hmmm.....hope he can get that done tonight!
It's just been crazy around here and did I forget to mention that I'm supposed to have a garage sale on Friday??? I haven't gotten anything done for that! I guess I'll be up late again tonight and tomorrow night and the next night! Maybe when we get home I'll be able to sleep.......but then I'll have to start unpacking!!!
Look for pictures soon!!!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Look What I found~
It's been a long week! A busy week! But I'm not really sure that I have got a lot done! It seems like I get up every morning and my list keeps getting bigger!
We started painting a week ago. What I now know is that I'm not a good painter and that I really don't like to paint! Maybe because it takes forever or maybe because I take forever. I'm sure that my Mom would have had the job done by now and if she is watching me paint she is just shaking her head as I'm doing it! I think....and I mean think...I should get it all done today!! It's not the walls that have been a problem...but the darn white trim on the bottom and on all the doors and windows! That's been the hard part!
But as I was waiting for paint to dry the other day I was cleaning out a drawer and I found a journal of Ty's from school last year. I didn't really go through it...I just put it in his area to go through later...well I guess it was later. I'm going to write it just the way he did.
My Hero
My hero is my Mom because she is always there for me and she always gives me love. But these next two weeks I won't get to see her because my Grandma has 2 types of cancer that I don't want to tell. So now she is in a plane flying off to Washington State. I love my Mom and she loves me. I also hope my Grandma gets well. But we won't find out until 2 weeks unless she calls and says she is better.
The first time I read this it just broke my heart. I'm so glad that he thinks of me as his hero....well thought of me as his hero. I'm sure that time in his life was hard....not only with his Grandma being sick....but also with me being gone.
I just wanted to share with you today something special.
We started painting a week ago. What I now know is that I'm not a good painter and that I really don't like to paint! Maybe because it takes forever or maybe because I take forever. I'm sure that my Mom would have had the job done by now and if she is watching me paint she is just shaking her head as I'm doing it! I think....and I mean think...I should get it all done today!! It's not the walls that have been a problem...but the darn white trim on the bottom and on all the doors and windows! That's been the hard part!
But as I was waiting for paint to dry the other day I was cleaning out a drawer and I found a journal of Ty's from school last year. I didn't really go through it...I just put it in his area to go through later...well I guess it was later. I'm going to write it just the way he did.
My Hero
My hero is my Mom because she is always there for me and she always gives me love. But these next two weeks I won't get to see her because my Grandma has 2 types of cancer that I don't want to tell. So now she is in a plane flying off to Washington State. I love my Mom and she loves me. I also hope my Grandma gets well. But we won't find out until 2 weeks unless she calls and says she is better.
The first time I read this it just broke my heart. I'm so glad that he thinks of me as his hero....well thought of me as his hero. I'm sure that time in his life was hard....not only with his Grandma being sick....but also with me being gone.
I just wanted to share with you today something special.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Homeward Bound!
After just a few months short of 11 years.......we are coming HOME!!!! Well, not really Home, but a few hours from home! Isn't that just unreal! Did you ever think that it would happen? Well, I didn't! Not because I didn't think Tim couldn't get a job....just that there weren't that many out that way. Nobody wants to leave the Northwest. So, it's been a long time coming.....!
The kids are very excited about it. Well, Ty was a little upset about leaving his friends at first, but I think he is coming around. We have talked about it with him and told him that this would be the best time....right as he is entering middle school. Devin was all for it! Even though he is going to be a Senior. He has wanted to be home for a long time. Emmie....well you know Emmie, she is pretty easy going. So, it's a done deal! Tim told his work yesterday and it's going to happen!
So, now lets talk about my feelings.
Of course I'm excited! But I'm also feeling a little sad....maybe even a little scared. Sad for many reasons. We have lived here for awhile and really I have felt more at home here in Lexington then I did when we lived in Arkansas. Maybe because it was more of a city then when we lived in Arkansas. We felt like we were isolated.....had to drive forever to get to a mall or any type of good shopping. Not that shopping is everything...but when you don't have it...then you really miss it! I have watched my kids grow up here. Devin has went through junior high and now was getting ready to graduate from High school. From schools we knew about and he did so well and the teachers LOVED him! I know he will be loved were ever he goes.....he is just like his Dad. We also watched Ty go through the same school for 6 years! And Emmie was following in his foot steps. Ty's name was well known at the school. I drove past the school the other day and it just made me sad. Ty will also not finish his last year at the ball field that he has played at since he was in t-ball! Next year he would have got a wood bat with his name on it.
I know that these things are all things that can be replaced and I'm willing to do so. It just makes me a little sad.
This is the biggie.....!
She waited! She waited a long time for this! She wanted this so bad and I just wish that she was here to see it happen! I wish that she was here with me trying to get this place in order. I need her! Plain and simple! She always helped....I'm just not sure that I can do this without her. Well, I have to, it's just not going to be easy.
She made the long trip out this way with me, Tim, Devin and Ty when he was just a baby. Now we are doing it once again, but this time I won't have her sitting beside me, helping with the drive, helping in anyway that she could. I'll be thinking of her as I'm driving across the country, knowing that the last time I did this she was sitting right beside me.
Really I'm very happy, excited and thrilled to be coming home! My family means the world to me and to be able to hop in the car and drive 2 hours will make my world so much better. It's been a hard 11 years being away from my family, who are not only my family members but are also my friends! My kids will love being able to be HOME for special holidays and other things that we have missed over the years. I know that we may not get to come home every weekend, with the price of gas. But just knowing that we CAN come home and will be able to come home! It won't cost us a fortune in plane tickets....just gas!
I'm also hoping that we will have visitors come and see us since we won't be miles and miles away! Just thinking about it brings a smile to my face!
We are homeward bound :)
The kids are very excited about it. Well, Ty was a little upset about leaving his friends at first, but I think he is coming around. We have talked about it with him and told him that this would be the best time....right as he is entering middle school. Devin was all for it! Even though he is going to be a Senior. He has wanted to be home for a long time. Emmie....well you know Emmie, she is pretty easy going. So, it's a done deal! Tim told his work yesterday and it's going to happen!
So, now lets talk about my feelings.
Of course I'm excited! But I'm also feeling a little sad....maybe even a little scared. Sad for many reasons. We have lived here for awhile and really I have felt more at home here in Lexington then I did when we lived in Arkansas. Maybe because it was more of a city then when we lived in Arkansas. We felt like we were isolated.....had to drive forever to get to a mall or any type of good shopping. Not that shopping is everything...but when you don't have it...then you really miss it! I have watched my kids grow up here. Devin has went through junior high and now was getting ready to graduate from High school. From schools we knew about and he did so well and the teachers LOVED him! I know he will be loved were ever he goes.....he is just like his Dad. We also watched Ty go through the same school for 6 years! And Emmie was following in his foot steps. Ty's name was well known at the school. I drove past the school the other day and it just made me sad. Ty will also not finish his last year at the ball field that he has played at since he was in t-ball! Next year he would have got a wood bat with his name on it.
I know that these things are all things that can be replaced and I'm willing to do so. It just makes me a little sad.
This is the biggie.....!
She waited! She waited a long time for this! She wanted this so bad and I just wish that she was here to see it happen! I wish that she was here with me trying to get this place in order. I need her! Plain and simple! She always helped....I'm just not sure that I can do this without her. Well, I have to, it's just not going to be easy.
She made the long trip out this way with me, Tim, Devin and Ty when he was just a baby. Now we are doing it once again, but this time I won't have her sitting beside me, helping with the drive, helping in anyway that she could. I'll be thinking of her as I'm driving across the country, knowing that the last time I did this she was sitting right beside me.
Really I'm very happy, excited and thrilled to be coming home! My family means the world to me and to be able to hop in the car and drive 2 hours will make my world so much better. It's been a hard 11 years being away from my family, who are not only my family members but are also my friends! My kids will love being able to be HOME for special holidays and other things that we have missed over the years. I know that we may not get to come home every weekend, with the price of gas. But just knowing that we CAN come home and will be able to come home! It won't cost us a fortune in plane tickets....just gas!
I'm also hoping that we will have visitors come and see us since we won't be miles and miles away! Just thinking about it brings a smile to my face!
We are homeward bound :)
Monday, June 6, 2011
Ty's 5th grade Graduation~
Last week Ty graduated from 5th grade! Now he will be entering middle school. I can't believe fast time flies! Where do the days go? I guess they just go....but the good thing is that I got pictures!!! I know what your thinking.........!!!
The morning started off with some awards. My son happened to get a few of them. They were a surprise to all of us.
The first award was from the computer teacher. She was able to give 2 awards for each class. One was for keyboarding and the other was for the best power point. She called the first three classes and then went on to Ty's class. I did think for one minute that he might get it....he was always doing power points at home. But when she called his name....I was still very surprised. It's a funny feeling you get when you hear you child's name being called.
First |
His second award was for art. He was in the after school program for art. He seemed to really enjoy it. Last year they got to paint a little horse that was then put out on display at our local library and was also published in a book. So, that award wasn't as much of a surprise to me as the first on was. But I still was overjoyed that he received it!
Art award |
The third this one got to me. The principal was up on the stage telling us about this one and letting us know that if your child got picked for this one then that meant that they were very special and that all the parents should be very proud of them. There is only going to be four from each class. As she calls them up....I notice that they are all girls. Then she comes up to Ty's class, which is last.....of course and then I hear it.......Ty Tommerup!!!! WOW!!! My son got the Citizenship award! I was so very proud of him!
Ty with 5th grade Diploma |
I can't explain what it felt like to see him up on stage that day. All I know is that he is such a great kid at if I can only get him to be such a great kid at home!!! LOL!!! My heart was swelling with pride!
Ty with all his medals |
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Memorial Day~
This weekend was Memorial Day. Most people think of it as a three day weekend, but for me it reminds me of my Mom.
It reminds me of her because she would always spend so much time the week before up at the cemetery getting all the markers all nice and clean, well her and Grandma would. They took such good care of all of them. She took over the job of taking care of Jason's marker for me since I wasn't home to do it. It was very nice of her to do for Devin and I.
She didn't just do it on this weekend....she did it all the time. She kept the supplies in her car and made sure that if the weather was nice....then that was were she was. She loved it! Plain and simple. I know that my family is doing it for her marker. It makes me sad that I can't do it. I can't do it for her or for Jason.
I know this isn't the best subject....but it's life. It's what she would want.....she would want her marker to be kept looking nice and I know that it is. My family knew how important this would be to her. I know she most likely had lots of flowers this weekend.......pretty flowers all around her marker. Just what she would have done for everyone else.
It reminds me of her because she would always spend so much time the week before up at the cemetery getting all the markers all nice and clean, well her and Grandma would. They took such good care of all of them. She took over the job of taking care of Jason's marker for me since I wasn't home to do it. It was very nice of her to do for Devin and I.
She didn't just do it on this weekend....she did it all the time. She kept the supplies in her car and made sure that if the weather was nice....then that was were she was. She loved it! Plain and simple. I know that my family is doing it for her marker. It makes me sad that I can't do it. I can't do it for her or for Jason.
I know this isn't the best subject....but it's life. It's what she would want.....she would want her marker to be kept looking nice and I know that it is. My family knew how important this would be to her. I know she most likely had lots of flowers this weekend.......pretty flowers all around her marker. Just what she would have done for everyone else.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Late night game~
Okay...last night we...or should I say Ty had a baseball game. It started at about 7:20 last night.....not so bad for a Saturday night. But It went on and on and on! The team we played was the top dog....number one......has only lost one game! But guess what? We won!!! And wouldn't you know son....who hasn't got a hit all year long started it off!!! Yippee for Ty!!!!
I was so nervous when he got up to bat...we were in the last inning.....the score was 4-8. So, it was looking pretty bleak! Not much hope for us. Well, the first batter walked.....then Ty was up...I just was praying that he would either walk or get a hit. And wouldn't you know it he got a hit. A pretty good hit. It went all the way out to center left field!!! Then everyone hit!! WOW!!! It was so nice to have him hit the ball....finally! Maybe this will give him a little confidence....he sure needs it.
Just had to share that with all of you!
I was so nervous when he got up to bat...we were in the last inning.....the score was 4-8. So, it was looking pretty bleak! Not much hope for us. Well, the first batter walked.....then Ty was up...I just was praying that he would either walk or get a hit. And wouldn't you know it he got a hit. A pretty good hit. It went all the way out to center left field!!! Then everyone hit!! WOW!!! It was so nice to have him hit the ball....finally! Maybe this will give him a little confidence....he sure needs it.
Just had to share that with all of you!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Emmie's first grade program~
Today was Emmie's first grade program......I missed it! :( I'm not so sure that I like this whole working thing! Not if I'm going to be missing my kids programs at school! As I drove to work this morning and passed the school knowing that Tim was sitting in the spot that I normally sit in I started to tear this isn't how it is supposed to be! I should be watching my baby girl!
But I sent Tim with camera in hand with lots of instructions!!! This is what he left on the table for me. Well the first picture is her before school this morning. I just didn't know what he would come home with....but he did good.
So, first thing I did today when I saw that camera sitting on the table was see what pictures Tim got and what he taped. Yes, I did cry! I missed it....I missed her first grade program! :(
Emmie all dressed and ready to go~ |
Emmie with her teacher |
So, first thing I did today when I saw that camera sitting on the table was see what pictures Tim got and what he taped. Yes, I did cry! I missed it....I missed her first grade program! :(
Ty's 5th grade Program~
Ty before his 5th grade program. |
They do a 5th grade program every year. This year they did it all about math since they are working on a new math program. I had a really hard time trying to film Ty! He had a part where he went out in the middle of the gym with the rest of his class and did a little Disco dance!! A man thought he could go stand right in the middle of the walkway! Blocked every ones view!!!! I was so MAD!!!! I just don't know why some people think that they can just do what they want and don't think about the people that got there before them ! UGH!!!! I was steaming!!!! But this is what I got....not much.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
How I made my day better~ I had a bad day! How did I make my day better?
First I made some homemade's super yummy and you know it sure needed something..........
First I made some homemade's super yummy and you know it sure needed something..........
This is what it needed.......or should I say this is what I needed! Well, I didn't stop at just one! Can you stop at just one? I don't think you can! I needed a few tonight after the day I had! I have needed a few lately! They sure do taste good with a nice fresh lime!! But the night wouldn't be complete with out a little music from one of my very favorites............................................................!
Mr. Kenny Chesney! I do like listening to him while drinking a couple Coronas and cooking dinner! 
My night turned out all right after my bad day! I just hope I still have a few left for tomorrow night! You just never know what tomorrow may bring!!!
What a DAY!!!
What a day I had! I'm not really an emotional person when it comes to work. I mean I don't really get upset about it....but today when I walked out that door all I wanted to do was cry! And call my Mom.
It was like everything I touched I messed up! I should have known from the start of the day that it wasn't going to be good!
After today I'm wondering if they will want me back next year. These ladies are tough.....let me tell you! They are fast. I thought I was fast, but no I don't even come close to these ladies. Those 3 hours that I'm there are like I'm running a marathon or something! I just can't even come close to keeping up with them. Maybe if I actually new what the heck I was doing I might feel a little bit better about it.
Two more days!!! Two more days on the serving line! I think I can make it! I have to make it. Friday will be an easy day.......I hope! Tomorrow is going to be Hell!!! Did I just say that? Yes, I did! Why you ask? Well, it's french fry day! Every kid loves french fries.....and every kid gets french fries!!! I'm beginning to hate french fries!!!!
It was like everything I touched I messed up! I should have known from the start of the day that it wasn't going to be good!
After today I'm wondering if they will want me back next year. These ladies are tough.....let me tell you! They are fast. I thought I was fast, but no I don't even come close to these ladies. Those 3 hours that I'm there are like I'm running a marathon or something! I just can't even come close to keeping up with them. Maybe if I actually new what the heck I was doing I might feel a little bit better about it.
Two more days!!! Two more days on the serving line! I think I can make it! I have to make it. Friday will be an easy day.......I hope! Tomorrow is going to be Hell!!! Did I just say that? Yes, I did! Why you ask? Well, it's french fry day! Every kid loves french fries.....and every kid gets french fries!!! I'm beginning to hate french fries!!!!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
What would she think?
Well, lots of things are going on right now? What you ask? Too many to name and one thing I just don't want to think about. Nothing bad. I just don't want to think too much on it.
What I would really like right now is my Mom. I would be able to tell her what is going on and she would be able to tell me what she thinks. Well, I know what she would think about it....but I just want to hear it from her. I want to hear her voice....the excitement....the hopefulness.....just her voice! Is that too much to ask?
Some days I just sit here and I stare...I stare at this computer and I think! I think about her and I think about what I can do to make her proud of me. What would she do? What does she think of me? What did she think of me? Did I make her happy? I know I'm not perfect...I know I wasn't always the perfect daughter. I know that I mess up in life just like everyone else. But what I think about most now is did I make her happy.....did I make her proud of me.
What would she think?
What I would really like right now is my Mom. I would be able to tell her what is going on and she would be able to tell me what she thinks. Well, I know what she would think about it....but I just want to hear it from her. I want to hear her voice....the excitement....the hopefulness.....just her voice! Is that too much to ask?
Some days I just sit here and I stare...I stare at this computer and I think! I think about her and I think about what I can do to make her proud of me. What would she do? What does she think of me? What did she think of me? Did I make her happy? I know I'm not perfect...I know I wasn't always the perfect daughter. I know that I mess up in life just like everyone else. But what I think about most now is did I make her happy.....did I make her proud of me.
What would she think?
Monday, May 23, 2011
Ty playing for the REDS~
Well here we are...another year of baseball. This year has been a little bit different for us all.....more so for Ty. He went up a level. He is now in the major division. Which is a little bit harder then last year. The kids are all a LOT better. They want to be there! They want to play baseball. 
Ty hasn't been playing all that much. He is the younger one this year. He also isn't hitting that great. Well, I know the pitchers are much better then last year. They actually put it where they want....they are fast! So, it's hard to watch our son sit on the bench when we are used to him being one of the kids who plays the whole game. I know next year will be different and he will play more, but it still isn't easy for me or Tim.They do have some pretty nice uniforms. They got new ones this that was nice. They even put the last names on the hats. I thought that was pretty neat.
I have yet to get any action shots of Ty this year. I will try and get that done in the next few weeks. We only have a few more games left of the season. It's been a rainy one around here. Not much sun! Doesn't seem like baseball without the sun!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Okay, all I have to say is that working every day has really messed up my blogging! So, I really tip my hat to all you working Moms! I mean I knew that it wasn't easy....but now I really know it's not easy! I don't even work that many hours and I still don't have time to do all the things that I used to do! Just keeping up with the laundry is a major accomplishment for me now! I try and get things done in the morning before I go to work and then by the time I get home it's time to get the kids and then dinner and baseball! Where oh where does the time go?
So, there it excuse for not doing a post last week and now it's super late today....but better late then not posting....right?
As for my's going good. I haven't really made any major screw ups......yet! I know I still have a few more weeks of school left.....plenty of time to mess something up! On Monday I started the serving line. I couldn't sleep all Sunday night. I was worried! Plain and simple! Well, maybe worried isn't the right the right word! I mean these ladies have done this job! They know what they are doing...I know NOTHING! And I mean nothing!
I kept telling myself all morning that I could do this...I could serve these little middle schoolers! They didn't have nothing on me. Well, besides their little attitudes! I did ask for a little help from a few people above........I sure needed it that day....well, I need it every day, but that day I needed it a little more then any normal day.
Then to top everything off.....I was going to be working with the manager....the boss....the lady that makes the decision if they want me back!!! YIKES!!!
To make a long story short.........she said I did a GREAT job for my first time!
Now I would like to talk about something I wish that I could change.....well, something I wish that I could change about myself. There is a lot of things that I wish that I could change....but this something is something that I have been dealing with my whole life and you would think that me being as old as I'm that I might have changed it already, but no I haven't.
Have I got you hooked? Are you wondering what it is that I wish that I could change? Maybe some of you already know. Maybe I should just leave it like this and see if you all could guess what it is...................
Okay, okay I won't do that to you . I know you are all waiting with great excitement to see what I'm talking about......LOL!!! Yeah right! I'm sure I got you all captivated! LOL!!!!
Are you ready? Here it is.
I have a really hard time just talking to people that I don't know and sometimes I even have a hard time talking to people that I do know. I just have a hard time trying to think of things to say. I want to keep people interested. I don't want them to think I'm boring. So, what do I do? I end up not talking at all. I usually let them do all the talking. I'm a good listener! That's what I'm good at. So, then I have been wondering if maybe when I don't talk if maybe they think that I'm not friendly or nice. I surly don't want them to think that.
There I said it! I'm not sure if that made me feel better to have said it or not...but now it's out there!
My Mom could always talk to anyone and everyone. I wish that I was more like her. I have known many people that could walk into a room and just go right up to people have a conversation....not me. I'm happy just talking to the people that I know. I have even known someone that could walk in a room and before they left the room the whole room knew them and wanted to be that persons friend. Wouldn't it be nice to be that kind of person?
I have always been SHY and I hate that! I wish that I was normal.
So, there it excuse for not doing a post last week and now it's super late today....but better late then not posting....right?
As for my's going good. I haven't really made any major screw ups......yet! I know I still have a few more weeks of school left.....plenty of time to mess something up! On Monday I started the serving line. I couldn't sleep all Sunday night. I was worried! Plain and simple! Well, maybe worried isn't the right the right word! I mean these ladies have done this job! They know what they are doing...I know NOTHING! And I mean nothing!
I kept telling myself all morning that I could do this...I could serve these little middle schoolers! They didn't have nothing on me. Well, besides their little attitudes! I did ask for a little help from a few people above........I sure needed it that day....well, I need it every day, but that day I needed it a little more then any normal day.
Then to top everything off.....I was going to be working with the manager....the boss....the lady that makes the decision if they want me back!!! YIKES!!!
To make a long story short.........she said I did a GREAT job for my first time!
Now I would like to talk about something I wish that I could change.....well, something I wish that I could change about myself. There is a lot of things that I wish that I could change....but this something is something that I have been dealing with my whole life and you would think that me being as old as I'm that I might have changed it already, but no I haven't.
Have I got you hooked? Are you wondering what it is that I wish that I could change? Maybe some of you already know. Maybe I should just leave it like this and see if you all could guess what it is...................
Okay, okay I won't do that to you . I know you are all waiting with great excitement to see what I'm talking about......LOL!!! Yeah right! I'm sure I got you all captivated! LOL!!!!
Are you ready? Here it is.
I have a really hard time just talking to people that I don't know and sometimes I even have a hard time talking to people that I do know. I just have a hard time trying to think of things to say. I want to keep people interested. I don't want them to think I'm boring. So, what do I do? I end up not talking at all. I usually let them do all the talking. I'm a good listener! That's what I'm good at. So, then I have been wondering if maybe when I don't talk if maybe they think that I'm not friendly or nice. I surly don't want them to think that.
There I said it! I'm not sure if that made me feel better to have said it or not...but now it's out there!
My Mom could always talk to anyone and everyone. I wish that I was more like her. I have known many people that could walk into a room and just go right up to people have a conversation....not me. I'm happy just talking to the people that I know. I have even known someone that could walk in a room and before they left the room the whole room knew them and wanted to be that persons friend. Wouldn't it be nice to be that kind of person?
I have always been SHY and I hate that! I wish that I was normal.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Mother's Day~
It's Mother's Day....................
My morning started out with Emmie coming into my bed. She said....." Happy Mother's Day" and then went on to say that "I know that this day is sad for you and your sisters. I know you all must miss your Mom so much"...she says. I said "yes we do miss her....a lot." Then the moment was gone. She was back to talking about her little dogs and whats for breakfast.
It's not like I need this one day to think of my Mom or remember her.....I think of her every day and remember little things about her that I may have forgotten about. They just pop into my head. I love it when that happens! It's like a forgotten memory. I love just sitting and thinking.....thinking about all the things we used to do, all the things we used to talk about. Those memories bring me comfort.
I just wanted to add a few pictures of mom on this day............Mothers Day. are missed and loved so very much. You are thought of by all of us and talked about every day...not only by me, but your grandkids. They wish that you were here. We can't wait to come home this summer and give you the prettiest, pink flowers that we can find. I know how much you enjoyed giving flowers to others.
Happy Mothers Day to the best Mom a daughter could ever ask for..........I Love you~
Friday, May 6, 2011
First week..................DONE!
Okay.................that was a tough one! But I made it! My first week is done! Now I only have four more weeks to go! I think I can do it....I think I can get this down....well maybe! The really hard job doesn't start until week three! That's when I'll be really sweating! That's when I'll be on the serving line!
For the last three days of work I have been doing the trays and the cleaning up afterwards.....not an easy job....but something I can do. The first day I came home and my legs and arms were so sore! I guess I haven't worked those muscles in a long time. But to tell you the truth it made me feel made me feel like I actually did something with my day!
It wasn't easy getting up early the next day and going off to my other job and lifting those little ones! But I did it...I made it through my first week working two jobs! One more week of this then I'm just working the one job.
So, I guess now I need to apologise for not posting on Wednesday! I'm sorry! I just didn't have it in me. I know pretty lame excuse! But I'm going to do a special post for Mothers Day! Maybe that will make up for me missing one????? I hope so!
Now I need to go and sit on the couch for about ten minutes before I have to get up and cook dinner before a baseball game......oh the life of a Mom~
For the last three days of work I have been doing the trays and the cleaning up afterwards.....not an easy job....but something I can do. The first day I came home and my legs and arms were so sore! I guess I haven't worked those muscles in a long time. But to tell you the truth it made me feel made me feel like I actually did something with my day!
It wasn't easy getting up early the next day and going off to my other job and lifting those little ones! But I did it...I made it through my first week working two jobs! One more week of this then I'm just working the one job.
So, I guess now I need to apologise for not posting on Wednesday! I'm sorry! I just didn't have it in me. I know pretty lame excuse! But I'm going to do a special post for Mothers Day! Maybe that will make up for me missing one????? I hope so!
Now I need to go and sit on the couch for about ten minutes before I have to get up and cook dinner before a baseball game......oh the life of a Mom~
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Yes....I got a job! I found out on Thursday afternoon. I have been working on this for awhile now. It's not really my dream job......but in these times a jobs a job. The hours are okay....not that many per day, but with kids at home and needing to be home in time for them when they get out of school it's just about perfect!
Oh....did I forget to tell you what job I got? Well, I'll be working in a middle school in the cafeteria. I'm not really sure what I'll be doing....she didn't tell me that. I guess I'll find out on Monday. But my guess is that I'll be working during the busy lunch hours! Since I'm working from 11-2.
I'm really rather nervous about it! I haven't done this type of work before! YIKES!! I hope I do a good job!
Well, the thing is I filled out the application to start out as a sub and I guess if I do good and they like me then I can have the job next year! So, hopefully they like me and I can impress them with my job skills!
I still have to finish out my Moms Day Out job for the next two weeks and they were okay with that. So, for the first two weeks I will only be working 3 days a week at the school and then after that I'll be working five days! That will be new for me!
Wish me luck!!!
Oh....did I forget to tell you what job I got? Well, I'll be working in a middle school in the cafeteria. I'm not really sure what I'll be doing....she didn't tell me that. I guess I'll find out on Monday. But my guess is that I'll be working during the busy lunch hours! Since I'm working from 11-2.
I'm really rather nervous about it! I haven't done this type of work before! YIKES!! I hope I do a good job!
Well, the thing is I filled out the application to start out as a sub and I guess if I do good and they like me then I can have the job next year! So, hopefully they like me and I can impress them with my job skills!
I still have to finish out my Moms Day Out job for the next two weeks and they were okay with that. So, for the first two weeks I will only be working 3 days a week at the school and then after that I'll be working five days! That will be new for me!
Wish me luck!!!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Sometimes I will sit and think......think about the past. Think about our family and some of the things that we have done. Some people might say we are kind of a different kind of family. Why? Well.......I think that our family does so much with each other.
I remember growing up and I remember going to Grandmas house. It was the funnest place to be. I know us kids would be outside playing and all the sisters would be inside most likely complaining about us kids! Grandma would make the best things......buns, cookies, taffy bars(one of my favorites) and my all time favorite.....donuts! Yum...just thinking about them makes me want some right now! But those days bring back so many great memories not just of my Mom, but of all my Aunts. They all have something special about them. You don't really have anything bad to say about any one of them. That place at Grandmas was the place to be.
Now we are grown and that is the place we always want to take our Grandmas my kids she is Grandma others she may be Granny. We all have special names for her. She is a special lady! My Mom loved to spend so much time with her.
I love being home and being around my family. It just feels right! Even though I may have not have seen them in over a year...I can still walk right back in and feel at home!
I remember growing up and I remember going to Grandmas house. It was the funnest place to be. I know us kids would be outside playing and all the sisters would be inside most likely complaining about us kids! Grandma would make the best things......buns, cookies, taffy bars(one of my favorites) and my all time favorite.....donuts! Yum...just thinking about them makes me want some right now! But those days bring back so many great memories not just of my Mom, but of all my Aunts. They all have something special about them. You don't really have anything bad to say about any one of them. That place at Grandmas was the place to be.
Now we are grown and that is the place we always want to take our Grandmas my kids she is Grandma others she may be Granny. We all have special names for her. She is a special lady! My Mom loved to spend so much time with her.
I love being home and being around my family. It just feels right! Even though I may have not have seen them in over a year...I can still walk right back in and feel at home!
What a morning!
My morning has been a little tornadic! Not really sure if that's a word, but today it sounds just about right! They had been telling us all morning that we were going to be having some weather coming in. But off the kids went to school....the sun was out and it looked okay! But that was all about to change!
It was about 8:45 when the gave us the warning! Yup! The warning to get down into the basement! The sirens went off! I'm thinking about the kids at school! They practice this all the time...but they have never really had to do it! We never have had it while they are at school. It's scary when they are not with you.
We were on a warning for about an hour. Poor Emmie! She gets so scared when we have these when she is at home....I'm not really sure how she did at school...hopefully she did okay. We had one of these on Friday night! It was worse then today's......she was very upset and crying and just wanted everyone to be home. Tim wasn't here that night...he was out at a baseball game.
The funny thing is that now it's sunny! You wouldn't even be able to tell that less then a few hours ago this place looked so scary and gloomy! Living here in the South is not fun in the Spring!
They say that we are in for another storm later this afternoon........great!!!
It was about 8:45 when the gave us the warning! Yup! The warning to get down into the basement! The sirens went off! I'm thinking about the kids at school! They practice this all the time...but they have never really had to do it! We never have had it while they are at school. It's scary when they are not with you.
We were on a warning for about an hour. Poor Emmie! She gets so scared when we have these when she is at home....I'm not really sure how she did at school...hopefully she did okay. We had one of these on Friday night! It was worse then today's......she was very upset and crying and just wanted everyone to be home. Tim wasn't here that night...he was out at a baseball game.
The funny thing is that now it's sunny! You wouldn't even be able to tell that less then a few hours ago this place looked so scary and gloomy! Living here in the South is not fun in the Spring!
They say that we are in for another storm later this afternoon........great!!!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
I'm trying this again~
Okay....what you may not know is that this is my second attempt at this today! I tried to do a post a little while ago and it just didn't sound right. I didn't like where I was going with it at all. So, now I'm going to try it again.....hopefully this one will actually make it to blog land!
The other day my neighbor and I were talking about another neighbor. She is moving....she is a little bit.....hmm let me try and get the right word for her........slow? Well, anyways her Mom passed away around 6 months ago or maybe it was more then that. But she was almost 100 years old. She was taking care of her at home and she really had a hard time with it. She would yell and scream at her...not the daughter but the Mom. Anyways.....she talks about her all the time and the other neighbor said that she was getting tired of hearing about it and it's not like anyone else has lost a Mom!
Well, after that conversation that got me thinking........I was wondering if anyone thought that I was talking about my Mom way too much! Then I started feeling bad about my blog! Thinking that maybe no one really wanted to hear all this stuff! Oh my God! Was I doing the same things that she was doing!!!
Then after thinking about it for a few days...I thought to myself that I really don't talk about her that much. I only talk about her to you guys. Well, and to my family here. I really don't have that many people to share my feelings with. I for sure don't go talking about it to my neighbors!!! So, hopefully you all don't think I'm talking about her too much.....I'm surly not trying to! I guess this is my only way to share with you my feelings and what I'm going through. I know it might not be the best way, but it's my way.
For me writing about her is a lot easier then talking about her. I can get more out this way then when I talk about her. My true feelings come out. If you were to call me and ask me how I'm reply would be fine or you know how it is. That's just me. Easier to write about me and my feeling then talk about them.
This week has been a hard emotional week. Some days I can't look at a picture of my Mom. I have them scattered around the house. Two are on my bedside table. One with just her and the other one is with her and the kids. It was taken when she moved us out here. She is holding Emmie in her arms and both boys are holding on to her. Tim found it and put that in a frame for me before I got home after she passed away. Some days I see it and have to hurry and look away...while other days I just stare at it and can't believe that she isn't here.
The other day my neighbor and I were talking about another neighbor. She is moving....she is a little bit.....hmm let me try and get the right word for her........slow? Well, anyways her Mom passed away around 6 months ago or maybe it was more then that. But she was almost 100 years old. She was taking care of her at home and she really had a hard time with it. She would yell and scream at her...not the daughter but the Mom. Anyways.....she talks about her all the time and the other neighbor said that she was getting tired of hearing about it and it's not like anyone else has lost a Mom!
Well, after that conversation that got me thinking........I was wondering if anyone thought that I was talking about my Mom way too much! Then I started feeling bad about my blog! Thinking that maybe no one really wanted to hear all this stuff! Oh my God! Was I doing the same things that she was doing!!!
Then after thinking about it for a few days...I thought to myself that I really don't talk about her that much. I only talk about her to you guys. Well, and to my family here. I really don't have that many people to share my feelings with. I for sure don't go talking about it to my neighbors!!! So, hopefully you all don't think I'm talking about her too much.....I'm surly not trying to! I guess this is my only way to share with you my feelings and what I'm going through. I know it might not be the best way, but it's my way.
For me writing about her is a lot easier then talking about her. I can get more out this way then when I talk about her. My true feelings come out. If you were to call me and ask me how I'm reply would be fine or you know how it is. That's just me. Easier to write about me and my feeling then talk about them.
This week has been a hard emotional week. Some days I can't look at a picture of my Mom. I have them scattered around the house. Two are on my bedside table. One with just her and the other one is with her and the kids. It was taken when she moved us out here. She is holding Emmie in her arms and both boys are holding on to her. Tim found it and put that in a frame for me before I got home after she passed away. Some days I see it and have to hurry and look away...while other days I just stare at it and can't believe that she isn't here.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
She's done it again~
I made it through Spring break! It was a little crazy in this house with all the kids home and then to top it off Tim was off for a few of those days! So, if anyone was wondering why I didn't do any posting last week it was because I had a houseful and also because we did a few things. I'll be posting some pictures later. I can't do it today because we had a little problem after the rain! The basement got flooded again! Not too bad this time around...but it's drying out today and hopefully we will be able to put it all back together in a few days. It's a good thing that we really don't have much down there that can get ruined. It's mainly just my work area.
She's Done it again~
My daughter........I just don't know where she gets it, the things she comes up with, the things she says. She seems to be so much older then she actually is.
The other day for some reason she wanted to tell me that even though we can't see Grandma she can still see us. She went on to tell me more and for the life of me I can't remember all that she said. All I know is that by the end of our conversation I had tears in my eyes.
Another day we were watching TV and there was a story about a lady with Breast cancer and out of the blue she asks me....."Mom, when Grandma passed away did she just fall down?" I go on to tell her how Grandma was in a hospital and try and tell her in a gentle way of how it happened. but before I had finished she stopped me. She said...."Mom, If this is making you sad talking about it I understand." I'm amazed that she is so thoughtful, so understanding of my feelings.
I have told you all before that after seeing how sensitive she is to my feelings that I have now held back on when I'm sad and thinking about my Mom. I will try and do that when I'm by myself. Not that I don't talk about her, but I don't just sit and do it all the time. She comes up with this stuff all on her own.
I wish that my Mom was here to see what a wonderful little girl she has become~
She's Done it again~
My daughter........I just don't know where she gets it, the things she comes up with, the things she says. She seems to be so much older then she actually is.
The other day for some reason she wanted to tell me that even though we can't see Grandma she can still see us. She went on to tell me more and for the life of me I can't remember all that she said. All I know is that by the end of our conversation I had tears in my eyes.
Another day we were watching TV and there was a story about a lady with Breast cancer and out of the blue she asks me....."Mom, when Grandma passed away did she just fall down?" I go on to tell her how Grandma was in a hospital and try and tell her in a gentle way of how it happened. but before I had finished she stopped me. She said...."Mom, If this is making you sad talking about it I understand." I'm amazed that she is so thoughtful, so understanding of my feelings.
I have told you all before that after seeing how sensitive she is to my feelings that I have now held back on when I'm sad and thinking about my Mom. I will try and do that when I'm by myself. Not that I don't talk about her, but I don't just sit and do it all the time. She comes up with this stuff all on her own.
I wish that my Mom was here to see what a wonderful little girl she has become~
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
It's Happening~
Well, it's happening......Going through my Moms stuff!
Well, I'm not going through it. I'm not able to do it... I know that I don't need to tell you all know why.
It's a little depressing that I can't be involved with it. That I can't sit and go through everything. Not just because I want some of her things, but because I want to sit there and I want to remember her. I want to remember her in those things. I want to sit there and see her in my mind...wearing those clothes...those clothes that she picked out. Those clothes that she most likely got for a really good price. Maybe I'm crazy......................But that's really what I want.
It's just really hard to explain how after all this time I still feel so lost with out her. Not that it really has been along time...but some people may think that I should be getting better.....and I will admit that I'm getting better. But I still miss her more then ever and I still feel like a part of me is just gone.
Lyndsey has been going through it getting me some things that I have told her I would like and some other items that she thinks I would that was nice of her to do. I know it's not easy for any of Dad included. I don't know how he can look inside that empty closet...because it will be empty now with all her things gone. It was all her stuff in it before and now.......what will be in there?
There is one thing that I did request yesterday while talking to Lyndsey......not that my Dad is giving it away...but if he ever does.....I put in my request right now! I want the bread box in the kitchen. Not that Mom used it for bread. She stored all her jewlery inside of it! The reason that I'm asking for it is because she gave Lanette, Leah and Lyndsey all bread boxes and I never got one from her. So....for all of you this is what I want. Then we could all have one from her. I'm sure Dad won't want to give it up for some time...but when the time comes....... It's always been kind of a funny thing for her to have that in the kitchen and use it for jewlery and not bread and you know what? I would keep that tradition going! No bread in that bread box!!!
Well, I'm not going through it. I'm not able to do it... I know that I don't need to tell you all know why.
It's a little depressing that I can't be involved with it. That I can't sit and go through everything. Not just because I want some of her things, but because I want to sit there and I want to remember her. I want to remember her in those things. I want to sit there and see her in my mind...wearing those clothes...those clothes that she picked out. Those clothes that she most likely got for a really good price. Maybe I'm crazy......................But that's really what I want.
It's just really hard to explain how after all this time I still feel so lost with out her. Not that it really has been along time...but some people may think that I should be getting better.....and I will admit that I'm getting better. But I still miss her more then ever and I still feel like a part of me is just gone.
Lyndsey has been going through it getting me some things that I have told her I would like and some other items that she thinks I would that was nice of her to do. I know it's not easy for any of Dad included. I don't know how he can look inside that empty closet...because it will be empty now with all her things gone. It was all her stuff in it before and now.......what will be in there?
There is one thing that I did request yesterday while talking to Lyndsey......not that my Dad is giving it away...but if he ever does.....I put in my request right now! I want the bread box in the kitchen. Not that Mom used it for bread. She stored all her jewlery inside of it! The reason that I'm asking for it is because she gave Lanette, Leah and Lyndsey all bread boxes and I never got one from her. So....for all of you this is what I want. Then we could all have one from her. I'm sure Dad won't want to give it up for some time...but when the time comes....... It's always been kind of a funny thing for her to have that in the kitchen and use it for jewlery and not bread and you know what? I would keep that tradition going! No bread in that bread box!!!
Friday, March 25, 2011
A fix~
Today I needed a fix.......a Mom fix! So, what did I do to get my fix? I went and looked at all my blog posts and got to read about her and I also got to hear her voice! It made me smile and it also made me cry! Isn't it funny that you can go through so many different feelings? I just needed to see her today. I just needed to hear her voice. I think I just needed to have a good cry! That's what I really needed. The house is one is home and it's my time. My time to time to think about her with no interruptions. I just needed to feel close to her today.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Summer Plans?
I'm sitting here and my mind is all jumbled jumbled a word? Well, that's how my mind is feeling right now. I have so much to say, but I can't seem to put it into words. Somedays it just flows and other days I can't seem to get it out.
One of the things that is on my mind right now is summer. We have been talking about summer and if we will be going home for a few weeks this summer. Emmie has been asking to come home....well, no she has been begging to go home this summer for her birthday. She wants to go to Washington so bad. That's all she has been talking about for months! She has been asking Tim about it and he has told her that we will TRY and get home. It has been over a year since her and Ty have been home. Devin was home last summer and he had lots of fun being home without the rest of us. He got spoiled and pretty much got to do whatever he wanted. What kid wouldn't want that? I would love that! But this year we are all going to try and get home as a family.
But for me it's not as easy as one might think. It's not as easy to walk in that door and not see her smiling and waiting to see her grand kids. For me I will have to face it! Face the fact that she isn't there. I mean I know she isn't here...but I will have to kind of relive it all. I left it all and haven't been back since. I will see her gravestone for the very first time. That for me won't be easy. Giving her flowers and knowing that I won't be able to do it again for another year or two.
So, thinking about summer is hard for me. I want to come home and be with everyone and see everyone. But then I will have to leave...... I will have to say goodbye........ Goodbye to her yet again.
One of the things that is on my mind right now is summer. We have been talking about summer and if we will be going home for a few weeks this summer. Emmie has been asking to come home....well, no she has been begging to go home this summer for her birthday. She wants to go to Washington so bad. That's all she has been talking about for months! She has been asking Tim about it and he has told her that we will TRY and get home. It has been over a year since her and Ty have been home. Devin was home last summer and he had lots of fun being home without the rest of us. He got spoiled and pretty much got to do whatever he wanted. What kid wouldn't want that? I would love that! But this year we are all going to try and get home as a family.
But for me it's not as easy as one might think. It's not as easy to walk in that door and not see her smiling and waiting to see her grand kids. For me I will have to face it! Face the fact that she isn't there. I mean I know she isn't here...but I will have to kind of relive it all. I left it all and haven't been back since. I will see her gravestone for the very first time. That for me won't be easy. Giving her flowers and knowing that I won't be able to do it again for another year or two.
So, thinking about summer is hard for me. I want to come home and be with everyone and see everyone. But then I will have to leave...... I will have to say goodbye........ Goodbye to her yet again.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Devin's Birthday!!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Pretty is what Changes~
I found another book......Pretty is What Changes.
It's kind of funny that I happened to pick this one up. I went to look in the biography section of the library and just happened to see this this one. I noticed it because it was I picked it up and wanted to see what it was about. Here is a quick over view for you. It's about a lady who's mother had Breast cancer and then ended up having Ovarian cancer and now she found out she tested positive for BRCA. I'm almost done with it. It has been very interesting and very informative. Maybe at times a little too much information, but I guess you can never have enough information.
But in this book when she is talking about her Mom and it's time for her to pass on...the nurse is telling her and her sister that she will not go with them in the room. I'm brought back to when it was my Mom's time. She wouldn't go with us in the room. She wouldn't let us see her take her last breath.....she waited until we were out of the room and my Dad was relaxing and then she went. She didn't want us to see her go. That's what Mothers do. I understood it all then. Not that it made me feel any better, but I know that's what she did that day. That was her last thing that she could do for us and that was what she was going to do and she fought all day to do it.
It's kind of funny that I happened to pick this one up. I went to look in the biography section of the library and just happened to see this this one. I noticed it because it was I picked it up and wanted to see what it was about. Here is a quick over view for you. It's about a lady who's mother had Breast cancer and then ended up having Ovarian cancer and now she found out she tested positive for BRCA. I'm almost done with it. It has been very interesting and very informative. Maybe at times a little too much information, but I guess you can never have enough information.
But in this book when she is talking about her Mom and it's time for her to pass on...the nurse is telling her and her sister that she will not go with them in the room. I'm brought back to when it was my Mom's time. She wouldn't go with us in the room. She wouldn't let us see her take her last breath.....she waited until we were out of the room and my Dad was relaxing and then she went. She didn't want us to see her go. That's what Mothers do. I understood it all then. Not that it made me feel any better, but I know that's what she did that day. That was her last thing that she could do for us and that was what she was going to do and she fought all day to do it.
Friday, March 4, 2011
She gets it~
I'm sure you all know that I went back to work in November. I started working with someone new. I was a little worried because I was going to be with a different person. You know what it's like when you have to work with someone just don't know what to expect. What they will expect from you. I just want to do a good job and to be liked. I have always been that way. I'm a person who likes to please. I want to please everyone and I sometimes feel like I don't do a good enough job.
Well, she is very nice and I like her a lot...I hope that she like me and that she thinks that I'm doing an okay job, that I fit in. I know when you take have to take someones spot that you have been working with it's hard.
The thing about Jenny is that she understands what I'm going through. She has been through this...she gets it! Her Dad passed away and she was very close to him and he had cancer also and did the whole hospice thing. So, she understands. She is someone here that I can talk to about it. Not that we have a lot of time to talk while we are working...but it's just nice to know that she is there if I need to talk. She has experienced the same pain as I have.
A week ago, the lady in charge of Moms Day Out lost her Dad also. As I was telling her how sorry I was, she says to me......I now understand what you went through and it's not fun, not fun at all. All I could say is.....I know. I couldn't tell her that it gets better, because for me it's just not better yet.
Well, she is very nice and I like her a lot...I hope that she like me and that she thinks that I'm doing an okay job, that I fit in. I know when you take have to take someones spot that you have been working with it's hard.
The thing about Jenny is that she understands what I'm going through. She has been through this...she gets it! Her Dad passed away and she was very close to him and he had cancer also and did the whole hospice thing. So, she understands. She is someone here that I can talk to about it. Not that we have a lot of time to talk while we are working...but it's just nice to know that she is there if I need to talk. She has experienced the same pain as I have.
A week ago, the lady in charge of Moms Day Out lost her Dad also. As I was telling her how sorry I was, she says to me......I now understand what you went through and it's not fun, not fun at all. All I could say is.....I know. I couldn't tell her that it gets better, because for me it's just not better yet.
Yearly appointment~
Today was my yearly appointment with my Dr. It went pretty good....compared to last years. I think I spent most of last year at this or that doctor. So, as of today I only have a few things to do. At first I really didn't think I liked my doctor, but the more I seen her the more I liked her. She is very caring to my situation and she really understands what I'm going through.
Here is a few things that I will be doing in the next few months...if you are at all interested.
First of all I will try and get into the UK testing for Ovarian Cancer. I guess that since we now have cancer in the family she wants me to try and get some free testing done. She is pretty sure that I will be able to get in and also be able to get the BRCA analysis test done for free. Which is good since our insurance most likely will not pay for it. The doctor was really nice about it, but the receptionist wasn't!! Why do they always have to be like that? It's not like it's going to be their problem! All she did was have to make a simple phone call. She looked at me and said, "You are not won't get in!" Well, The doctor said for you to call! So there!! It would be nice if they had this kind of thing in Washington or Oregon....well maybe they do!
I also have to go in and get a mole looked at that is on my back. Hopefully it is nothing. she just said that it looked funny and she wanted me to get it looked at.
Other then that everything looked okay. I do go in on the 14th of this month for my six month mammogram and ultrasound. I'll let you know how that goes.
Sorry it's such a boring post!
Here is a few things that I will be doing in the next few months...if you are at all interested.
First of all I will try and get into the UK testing for Ovarian Cancer. I guess that since we now have cancer in the family she wants me to try and get some free testing done. She is pretty sure that I will be able to get in and also be able to get the BRCA analysis test done for free. Which is good since our insurance most likely will not pay for it. The doctor was really nice about it, but the receptionist wasn't!! Why do they always have to be like that? It's not like it's going to be their problem! All she did was have to make a simple phone call. She looked at me and said, "You are not won't get in!" Well, The doctor said for you to call! So there!! It would be nice if they had this kind of thing in Washington or Oregon....well maybe they do!
I also have to go in and get a mole looked at that is on my back. Hopefully it is nothing. she just said that it looked funny and she wanted me to get it looked at.
Other then that everything looked okay. I do go in on the 14th of this month for my six month mammogram and ultrasound. I'll let you know how that goes.
Sorry it's such a boring post!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Memories in a Box~
Okay, okay.....I'm so late at posting!! I mean really days late. What is my excuse? Hmmm......well to be completely honest with you....I just didn't have it in me last week and then I thought I would just wait until after Devin's birthday and then do a post on that. Now I just need to upload my photos and I can do that post. I know I'm so not doing good on my blogging these last few weeks. But I'm thinking about it. I have two things in my brain that I could write about, but today I only have time enough to write about one of them. I have to go and pick up the kids in an I'm sure I will only be able to post one of them. Then when they get home everything just goes CRAZY around here!
So, after all that are you ready? Hmm....I didn't hear you! LOL.....just a little humor on a very stormy Monday! Okay here goes................
The other day I was looking for my high school diploma and as I was looking for it, I was coming across things that I really wasn't ready to come across. As I was looking for it I would have to stop and look at all the other stuff that I was finding. Places that I really needed to stay away from. I was crying and looking and not finding my diploma!!! UGH!!! Not a fun day!
So, I finally go into a box that I know for sure it's not in. Devin's box. It has all of his childhood memories inside. As I'm looking inside this box I lift up the blankets and guess what? Yes.....there is my diploma!!! Why on earth would I put it in Devin's box? What was I thinking? Anyways...... I'm so happy that I found it...but then as I dig deeper in the box I see things......I see all these memories. All of them are memories of my Mom. Like the little glass figures that she gave him every year for his birthday. Well, for boys they only went to age 5. So, yes the tears come down......his birthday was the next day. She should be here for this day. I see the little boy rabbit that she gave him....she would always put that out at Easter. It's those little things that bring on all these memories. I see his little hippo that he had and I see him at Grandma's house with my Mom.....all these memories come out as I'm looking in the box. I finally had to stop...I couldn't make it through the box. I know there are more memories of her in that box....some of them I will have to tell him about.
I'm just so glad that Devin will have all these memories of his Grandma....she loved him so much~
So, after all that are you ready? Hmm....I didn't hear you! LOL.....just a little humor on a very stormy Monday! Okay here goes................
The other day I was looking for my high school diploma and as I was looking for it, I was coming across things that I really wasn't ready to come across. As I was looking for it I would have to stop and look at all the other stuff that I was finding. Places that I really needed to stay away from. I was crying and looking and not finding my diploma!!! UGH!!! Not a fun day!
So, I finally go into a box that I know for sure it's not in. Devin's box. It has all of his childhood memories inside. As I'm looking inside this box I lift up the blankets and guess what? Yes.....there is my diploma!!! Why on earth would I put it in Devin's box? What was I thinking? Anyways...... I'm so happy that I found it...but then as I dig deeper in the box I see things......I see all these memories. All of them are memories of my Mom. Like the little glass figures that she gave him every year for his birthday. Well, for boys they only went to age 5. So, yes the tears come down......his birthday was the next day. She should be here for this day. I see the little boy rabbit that she gave him....she would always put that out at Easter. It's those little things that bring on all these memories. I see his little hippo that he had and I see him at Grandma's house with my Mom.....all these memories come out as I'm looking in the box. I finally had to stop...I couldn't make it through the box. I know there are more memories of her in that box....some of them I will have to tell him about.
I'm just so glad that Devin will have all these memories of his Grandma....she loved him so much~
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