Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I'm trying this again~

Okay....what you may not know is that this is my second attempt at this today!  I tried to do a post a little while ago and it just didn't sound right.  I didn't like where I was going with it at all.  So, now I'm going to try it again.....hopefully this one will actually make it to blog land!

The other day my neighbor and I were talking about another neighbor.  She is moving....she is a little bit.....hmm let me try and get the right word for her........slow?   Well, anyways her Mom passed away around 6 months ago or maybe it was more then that.  But she was almost 100 years old.  She was taking care of her at home and she really had a hard time with it.  She would yell and scream at her...not the daughter but the Mom.  Anyways.....she talks about her all the time and the other neighbor said that she was getting tired of hearing about it and it's not like anyone else has lost a Mom! 

Well, after that conversation that got me thinking........I was wondering if anyone thought that I was talking about my Mom way too much!  Then I started feeling bad about my blog!  Thinking that maybe no one really wanted to hear all this stuff!  Oh my God!  Was I doing the same things that she was doing!!! 

Then after thinking about it for a few days...I thought to myself that I really don't talk about her that much.  I only talk about her to you guys.  Well, and to my family here.  I really don't have that many people to share my feelings with.  I for sure don't go talking about it to my neighbors!!!  So, hopefully you all don't think I'm talking about her too much.....I'm surly not trying to!  I guess this is my only way to share with you my feelings and what I'm going through.  I know it might not be the best way, but it's my way. 

For me writing about her is a lot easier then talking about her.  I can get more out this way then when I talk about her.  My true feelings come out.  If you were to call me and ask me how I'm reply would be fine or you know how it is.  That's just me.  Easier to write about me and my feeling then talk about them.

This week has been a hard emotional week.  Some days I can't look at a picture of my Mom.  I have them scattered around the house.  Two are on my bedside table.  One with just her and the other one is with her and the kids.  It was taken when she moved us out here.  She is holding Emmie in her arms and both boys are holding on to her.  Tim found it and put that in a frame for me before I got home after she passed away.  Some days I see it and have to hurry and look away...while other days I just stare at it and can't believe that she isn't here. 



Lyndsey said...

There's nothing wrong with your blog Lori! This is a great outlet for you and I don't think you need to worry about you talking too much about Mom. Afterall if nobody wanted to hear about it they could just stop reading it. I know you don't talk about it enough so this is just what works for you. Keep doing it because its good for you Lori. And don't worry about what anyone else thinks. You are the one who has to get through this and it makes it a little more tolerable for you to be able to express how you feel. Mom would LOVE to read what you are writing...she'd be proud of you I know it.

Kelly said...

Don't you dare stop writing about your mom in your blog!! Isn't that why you started it in the first place??
I love reading your blogs and "listening" to what's going on with you and your family. And, I love to hear about your mom.
I miss having you home and this is just one way I get to feel connected to you.

christine said...

I agree with Lyndsey and Kelly. I really enjoy reading your blogs and the point of your blog is to write about whatever you want. You should keep doing that!