Monday, June 6, 2011

Ty's 5th grade Graduation~

Last week Ty graduated from 5th grade!  Now he will be entering middle school.  I can't believe fast time flies!  Where do the days go?  I guess they just go....but the good thing is that I got pictures!!!  I know what your thinking.........!!! 

The morning started off with some awards.  My son happened to get a few of them.  They were a surprise to all of us.

The first award was from the computer teacher.  She was able to give 2 awards for each class.  One was for keyboarding and the other was for the best power point.  She called the first three classes and then went on to Ty's class.  I did think for one minute that he might get it....he was always doing power points at home.  But when she called his name....I was still very surprised.  It's a funny feeling you get when you hear you child's name being called. 

His second award was for art.  He was in the after school program for art.  He seemed to really enjoy it.  Last year they got to paint a little horse that was then put out on display at our local library and was also published in a book.  So, that award wasn't as much of a surprise to me as the first on was.  But I still was overjoyed that he received it!

Art award
The third this one got to me.  The principal was up on the stage telling us about this one and letting us know that if your child got picked for this one then that meant that they were very special and that all the parents should be very proud of them.  There is only going to be four from each class.  As she calls them up....I notice that they are all girls.  Then she comes up to Ty's class, which is last.....of course and then I hear it.......Ty Tommerup!!!!  WOW!!!  My son got the Citizenship award!  I was so very proud of him! 

Ty with 5th  grade Diploma

I can't explain what it felt like to see him up on stage that day.  All I know is that he is such a great kid at if I can only get him to be such a great kid at home!!!  LOL!!!  My heart was swelling with pride! 

Ty with all his medals


Ty 5th grade graduation

1 comment:

Lyndsey said...

What an amazing kid he is! I am proud of him...and I know you are too! I know Mom would be so happy and be braggint to the family about him!