Friday, May 27, 2011

Ty's 5th grade Program~

Ty before his 5th grade program.
                                                  Here is a little clip of it.

They do a 5th grade program every year.  This year they did it all about math since they are working on a new math program.  I had a really hard time trying to film Ty! He had a part where he went out in the middle of the gym with the rest of his class and did a little Disco dance!!   A man thought he could go stand right in the middle of the walkway!  Blocked every ones view!!!!  I was so MAD!!!!  I just don't know why some people think that they can just do what they want and don't think about the people that got there before them !  UGH!!!!  I was steaming!!!!  But this is what I got....not much.

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