Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Okay, all I have to say is that working every day has really messed up my blogging!  So, I really tip my hat to all you working Moms!  I mean I knew that it wasn't easy....but now I really know it's not easy!  I don't even work that many hours and I still don't have time to do all the things that I used to do!  Just keeping up with the laundry is a major accomplishment for me now!  I try and get things done in the morning before I go to work and then by the time I get home it's time to get the kids and then dinner and baseball!  Where oh where does the time go? 

So, there it excuse for not doing a post last week and now it's super late today....but better late then not posting....right? 

As for my's going good.  I haven't really made any major screw ups......yet!  I know I still have a few more weeks of school left.....plenty of time to mess something up!  On Monday I started the serving line.  I couldn't sleep all Sunday night.  I was worried!  Plain and simple!  Well, maybe worried isn't the right the right word!  I mean these ladies have done this job!  They know what they are doing...I know NOTHING!  And I mean nothing! 

I kept telling myself all morning that I could do this...I could serve these little middle schoolers!  They didn't have nothing on me.  Well, besides their little attitudes!  I did ask for a little help from a few people above........I sure needed it that day....well, I need it every day, but that day I needed it a little more then any normal day. 

Then to top everything off.....I was going to be working with the manager....the boss....the lady that makes the decision if they want me back!!!  YIKES!!! 

To make a long story short.........she said I did a GREAT job for my first time! 

Now I would like to talk about something I wish that I could change.....well, something I wish that I could change about myself.  There is a lot of things that I wish that I could change....but this something is something that I have been dealing with my whole life and you would think that me being as old as I'm that I might have changed it already, but no I haven't. 

Have I got you hooked?  Are you wondering what it is that I wish that I could change?  Maybe some of you already know.   Maybe I should just leave it like this and see if you all could guess what it is...................

Okay, okay I won't do that to you .  I know you are all waiting with great excitement to see what I'm talking about......LOL!!!  Yeah right!  I'm sure I got you all captivated!  LOL!!!!

Are you ready?   Here it is.

I have a really hard time just talking to people that I don't know and sometimes I even have a hard time talking to people that I do know.  I just have a hard time trying to think of things to say.  I want to keep people interested.  I don't want them to think I'm boring.  So, what do I do?  I end up not talking at all.  I usually let them do all the talking. I'm a good listener!  That's what I'm good at.  So, then I have been wondering if maybe when I don't talk if maybe they think that I'm not friendly or nice.  I surly don't want them to think that. 

There I said it!  I'm not sure if that made me feel better to have said it or not...but now it's out there! 

My Mom could always talk to anyone and everyone.  I wish that I was more like her.  I have known many people that could walk into a room and just go right up to people have a conversation....not me.  I'm happy just talking to the people that I know.  I have even known someone that could walk in a room and before they left the room the whole room knew them and wanted to be that persons friend.  Wouldn't it be nice to be that kind of person? 

I have always been SHY and I hate that!  I wish that I was normal.

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