Okay...last night we...or should I say Ty had a baseball game. It started at about 7:20 last night.....not so bad for a Saturday night. But It went on and on and on! The team we played was the top dog....number one......has only lost one game! But guess what? We won!!! And wouldn't you know it...my son....who hasn't got a hit all year long started it off!!! Yippee for Ty!!!!
I was so nervous when he got up to bat...we were in the last inning.....the score was 4-8. So, it was looking pretty bleak! Not much hope for us. Well, the first batter walked.....then Ty was up...I just was praying that he would either walk or get a hit. And wouldn't you know it he got a hit. A pretty good hit. It went all the way out to center left field!!! Then everyone hit!! WOW!!! It was so nice to have him hit the ball....finally! Maybe this will give him a little confidence....he sure needs it.
Just had to share that with all of you!
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
Emmie's first grade program~
Today was Emmie's first grade program......I missed it! :( I'm not so sure that I like this whole working thing! Not if I'm going to be missing my kids programs at school! As I drove to work this morning and passed the school knowing that Tim was sitting in the spot that I normally sit in I started to tear up....no this isn't how it is supposed to be! I should be watching my baby girl!
But I sent Tim with camera in hand with lots of instructions!!! This is what he left on the table for me. Well the first picture is her before school this morning. I just didn't know what he would come home with....but he did good.
So, first thing I did today when I saw that camera sitting on the table was see what pictures Tim got and what he taped. Yes, I did cry! I missed it....I missed her first grade program! :(
Emmie all dressed and ready to go~ |
Emmie with her teacher |
So, first thing I did today when I saw that camera sitting on the table was see what pictures Tim got and what he taped. Yes, I did cry! I missed it....I missed her first grade program! :(
Ty's 5th grade Program~
Ty before his 5th grade program. |
They do a 5th grade program every year. This year they did it all about math since they are working on a new math program. I had a really hard time trying to film Ty! He had a part where he went out in the middle of the gym with the rest of his class and did a little Disco dance!! A man thought he could go stand right in the middle of the walkway! Blocked every ones view!!!! I was so MAD!!!! I just don't know why some people think that they can just do what they want and don't think about the people that got there before them ! UGH!!!! I was steaming!!!! But this is what I got....not much.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
How I made my day better~
Okay....so I had a bad day! How did I make my day better?
First I made some homemade salsa....it's super yummy and you know it sure needed something..........
First I made some homemade salsa....it's super yummy and you know it sure needed something..........
This is what it needed.......or should I say this is what I needed! Well, I didn't stop at just one! Can you stop at just one? I don't think you can! I needed a few tonight after the day I had! I have needed a few lately! They sure do taste good with a nice fresh lime!! But the night wouldn't be complete with out a little music from one of my very favorites............................................................!
Mr. Kenny Chesney! I do like listening to him while drinking a couple Coronas and cooking dinner! 
My night turned out all right after my bad day! I just hope I still have a few left for tomorrow night! You just never know what tomorrow may bring!!!
What a DAY!!!
What a day I had! I'm not really an emotional person when it comes to work. I mean I don't really get upset about it....but today when I walked out that door all I wanted to do was cry! And call my Mom.
It was like everything I touched I messed up! I should have known from the start of the day that it wasn't going to be good!
After today I'm wondering if they will want me back next year. These ladies are tough.....let me tell you! They are fast. I thought I was fast, but no I don't even come close to these ladies. Those 3 hours that I'm there are like I'm running a marathon or something! I just can't even come close to keeping up with them. Maybe if I actually new what the heck I was doing I might feel a little bit better about it.
Two more days!!! Two more days on the serving line! I think I can make it! I have to make it. Friday will be an easy day.......I hope! Tomorrow is going to be Hell!!! Did I just say that? Yes, I did! Why you ask? Well, it's french fry day! Every kid loves french fries.....and every kid gets french fries!!! I'm beginning to hate french fries!!!!
It was like everything I touched I messed up! I should have known from the start of the day that it wasn't going to be good!
After today I'm wondering if they will want me back next year. These ladies are tough.....let me tell you! They are fast. I thought I was fast, but no I don't even come close to these ladies. Those 3 hours that I'm there are like I'm running a marathon or something! I just can't even come close to keeping up with them. Maybe if I actually new what the heck I was doing I might feel a little bit better about it.
Two more days!!! Two more days on the serving line! I think I can make it! I have to make it. Friday will be an easy day.......I hope! Tomorrow is going to be Hell!!! Did I just say that? Yes, I did! Why you ask? Well, it's french fry day! Every kid loves french fries.....and every kid gets french fries!!! I'm beginning to hate french fries!!!!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
What would she think?
Well, lots of things are going on right now? What you ask? Too many to name and one thing I just don't want to think about. Nothing bad. I just don't want to think too much on it.
What I would really like right now is my Mom. I would be able to tell her what is going on and she would be able to tell me what she thinks. Well, I know what she would think about it....but I just want to hear it from her. I want to hear her voice....the excitement....the hopefulness.....just her voice! Is that too much to ask?
Some days I just sit here and I stare...I stare at this computer and I think! I think about her and I think about what I can do to make her proud of me. What would she do? What does she think of me? What did she think of me? Did I make her happy? I know I'm not perfect...I know I wasn't always the perfect daughter. I know that I mess up in life just like everyone else. But what I think about most now is did I make her happy.....did I make her proud of me.
What would she think?
What I would really like right now is my Mom. I would be able to tell her what is going on and she would be able to tell me what she thinks. Well, I know what she would think about it....but I just want to hear it from her. I want to hear her voice....the excitement....the hopefulness.....just her voice! Is that too much to ask?
Some days I just sit here and I stare...I stare at this computer and I think! I think about her and I think about what I can do to make her proud of me. What would she do? What does she think of me? What did she think of me? Did I make her happy? I know I'm not perfect...I know I wasn't always the perfect daughter. I know that I mess up in life just like everyone else. But what I think about most now is did I make her happy.....did I make her proud of me.
What would she think?
Monday, May 23, 2011
Ty playing for the REDS~
Well here we are...another year of baseball. This year has been a little bit different for us all.....more so for Ty. He went up a level. He is now in the major division. Which is a little bit harder then last year. The kids are all a LOT better. They want to be there! They want to play baseball. 
Ty hasn't been playing all that much. He is the younger one this year. He also isn't hitting that great. Well, I know the pitchers are much better then last year. They actually put it where they want....they are fast! So, it's hard to watch our son sit on the bench when we are used to him being one of the kids who plays the whole game. I know next year will be different and he will play more, but it still isn't easy for me or Tim.They do have some pretty nice uniforms. They got new ones this year....so that was nice. They even put the last names on the hats. I thought that was pretty neat.
I have yet to get any action shots of Ty this year. I will try and get that done in the next few weeks. We only have a few more games left of the season. It's been a rainy one around here. Not much sun! Doesn't seem like baseball without the sun!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Okay, all I have to say is that working every day has really messed up my blogging! So, I really tip my hat to all you working Moms! I mean I knew that it wasn't easy....but now I really know it's not easy! I don't even work that many hours and I still don't have time to do all the things that I used to do! Just keeping up with the laundry is a major accomplishment for me now! I try and get things done in the morning before I go to work and then by the time I get home it's time to get the kids and then dinner and baseball! Where oh where does the time go?
So, there it is.....my excuse for not doing a post last week and now it's super late today....but better late then not posting....right?
As for my job....it's going good. I haven't really made any major screw ups......yet! I know I still have a few more weeks of school left.....plenty of time to mess something up! On Monday I started the serving line. I couldn't sleep all Sunday night. I was worried! Plain and simple! Well, maybe worried isn't the right word.....SCARED...is the right word! I mean these ladies have done this job! They know what they are doing...I know NOTHING! And I mean nothing!
I kept telling myself all morning that I could do this...I could serve these little middle schoolers! They didn't have nothing on me. Well, besides their little attitudes! I did ask for a little help from a few people above........I sure needed it that day....well, I need it every day, but that day I needed it a little more then any normal day.
Then to top everything off.....I was going to be working with the manager....the boss....the lady that makes the decision if they want me back!!! YIKES!!!
To make a long story short.........she said I did a GREAT job for my first time!
Now I would like to talk about something I wish that I could change.....well, something I wish that I could change about myself. There is a lot of things that I wish that I could change....but this something is something that I have been dealing with my whole life and you would think that me being as old as I'm that I might have changed it already, but no I haven't.
Have I got you hooked? Are you wondering what it is that I wish that I could change? Maybe some of you already know. Maybe I should just leave it like this and see if you all could guess what it is...................
Okay, okay I won't do that to you . I know you are all waiting with great excitement to see what I'm talking about......LOL!!! Yeah right! I'm sure I got you all captivated! LOL!!!!
Are you ready? Here it is.
I have a really hard time just talking to people that I don't know and sometimes I even have a hard time talking to people that I do know. I just have a hard time trying to think of things to say. I want to keep people interested. I don't want them to think I'm boring. So, what do I do? I end up not talking at all. I usually let them do all the talking. I'm a good listener! That's what I'm good at. So, then I have been wondering if maybe when I don't talk if maybe they think that I'm not friendly or nice. I surly don't want them to think that.
There I said it! I'm not sure if that made me feel better to have said it or not...but now it's out there!
My Mom could always talk to anyone and everyone. I wish that I was more like her. I have known many people that could walk into a room and just go right up to people have a conversation....not me. I'm happy just talking to the people that I know. I have even known someone that could walk in a room and before they left the room the whole room knew them and wanted to be that persons friend. Wouldn't it be nice to be that kind of person?
I have always been SHY and I hate that! I wish that I was normal.
So, there it is.....my excuse for not doing a post last week and now it's super late today....but better late then not posting....right?
As for my job....it's going good. I haven't really made any major screw ups......yet! I know I still have a few more weeks of school left.....plenty of time to mess something up! On Monday I started the serving line. I couldn't sleep all Sunday night. I was worried! Plain and simple! Well, maybe worried isn't the right word.....SCARED...is the right word! I mean these ladies have done this job! They know what they are doing...I know NOTHING! And I mean nothing!
I kept telling myself all morning that I could do this...I could serve these little middle schoolers! They didn't have nothing on me. Well, besides their little attitudes! I did ask for a little help from a few people above........I sure needed it that day....well, I need it every day, but that day I needed it a little more then any normal day.
Then to top everything off.....I was going to be working with the manager....the boss....the lady that makes the decision if they want me back!!! YIKES!!!
To make a long story short.........she said I did a GREAT job for my first time!
Now I would like to talk about something I wish that I could change.....well, something I wish that I could change about myself. There is a lot of things that I wish that I could change....but this something is something that I have been dealing with my whole life and you would think that me being as old as I'm that I might have changed it already, but no I haven't.
Have I got you hooked? Are you wondering what it is that I wish that I could change? Maybe some of you already know. Maybe I should just leave it like this and see if you all could guess what it is...................
Okay, okay I won't do that to you . I know you are all waiting with great excitement to see what I'm talking about......LOL!!! Yeah right! I'm sure I got you all captivated! LOL!!!!
Are you ready? Here it is.
I have a really hard time just talking to people that I don't know and sometimes I even have a hard time talking to people that I do know. I just have a hard time trying to think of things to say. I want to keep people interested. I don't want them to think I'm boring. So, what do I do? I end up not talking at all. I usually let them do all the talking. I'm a good listener! That's what I'm good at. So, then I have been wondering if maybe when I don't talk if maybe they think that I'm not friendly or nice. I surly don't want them to think that.
There I said it! I'm not sure if that made me feel better to have said it or not...but now it's out there!
My Mom could always talk to anyone and everyone. I wish that I was more like her. I have known many people that could walk into a room and just go right up to people have a conversation....not me. I'm happy just talking to the people that I know. I have even known someone that could walk in a room and before they left the room the whole room knew them and wanted to be that persons friend. Wouldn't it be nice to be that kind of person?
I have always been SHY and I hate that! I wish that I was normal.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Mother's Day~
It's Mother's Day....................
My morning started out with Emmie coming into my bed. She said....." Happy Mother's Day" and then went on to say that "I know that this day is sad for you and your sisters. I know you all must miss your Mom so much"...she says. I said "yes we do miss her....a lot." Then the moment was gone. She was back to talking about her things....like little dogs and whats for breakfast.
It's not like I need this one day to think of my Mom or remember her.....I think of her every day and remember little things about her that I may have forgotten about. They just pop into my head. I love it when that happens! It's like a forgotten memory. I love just sitting and thinking.....thinking about all the things we used to do, all the things we used to talk about. Those memories bring me comfort.
I just wanted to add a few pictures of mom on this day............Mothers Day.
Mom...............you are missed and loved so very much. You are thought of by all of us and talked about every day...not only by me, but your grandkids. They wish that you were here. We can't wait to come home this summer and give you the prettiest, pink flowers that we can find. I know how much you enjoyed giving flowers to others.
Happy Mothers Day to the best Mom a daughter could ever ask for..........I Love you~
Friday, May 6, 2011
First week..................DONE!
Okay.................that was a tough one! But I made it! My first week is done! Now I only have four more weeks to go! I think I can do it....I think I can get this down....well maybe! The really hard job doesn't start until week three! That's when I'll be really sweating! That's when I'll be on the serving line!
For the last three days of work I have been doing the trays and the cleaning up afterwards.....not an easy job....but something I can do. The first day I came home and my legs and arms were so sore! I guess I haven't worked those muscles in a long time. But to tell you the truth it made me feel good...it made me feel like I actually did something with my day!
It wasn't easy getting up early the next day and going off to my other job and lifting those little ones! But I did it...I made it through my first week working two jobs! One more week of this then I'm just working the one job.
So, I guess now I need to apologise for not posting on Wednesday! I'm sorry! I just didn't have it in me. I know pretty lame excuse! But I'm going to do a special post for Mothers Day! Maybe that will make up for me missing one????? I hope so!
Now I need to go and sit on the couch for about ten minutes before I have to get up and cook dinner before a baseball game......oh the life of a Mom~
For the last three days of work I have been doing the trays and the cleaning up afterwards.....not an easy job....but something I can do. The first day I came home and my legs and arms were so sore! I guess I haven't worked those muscles in a long time. But to tell you the truth it made me feel good...it made me feel like I actually did something with my day!
It wasn't easy getting up early the next day and going off to my other job and lifting those little ones! But I did it...I made it through my first week working two jobs! One more week of this then I'm just working the one job.
So, I guess now I need to apologise for not posting on Wednesday! I'm sorry! I just didn't have it in me. I know pretty lame excuse! But I'm going to do a special post for Mothers Day! Maybe that will make up for me missing one????? I hope so!
Now I need to go and sit on the couch for about ten minutes before I have to get up and cook dinner before a baseball game......oh the life of a Mom~
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