Thursday, August 23, 2012

I think I got a job~

Well, I got the call yesterday afternoon......Looks like I got a job!  I can't really say so for sure yet...but the offer was made and I accepted!  So, very happy about it.

Now I have to pass the pre-screening which I did today.  I thought it was going to be easy as pie.  Just lift a 50 pound know show then how strong I'm and then be done.  Well, was I ever wrong.  I did lift a 50 pound box and I did carry this said 50 pound box across the room and back.  I also had to push this 50 pound box across the room and then pull it back again!!

Okay.....thought I was done..................Nope....not done!

Now I lift this empty box up and down 10 isn't light as a feather or stiff as a board!  Not at all!  Breathing just a little heavy right about now.  Just a little bit out of shape here! All done? Nope! Not yet! Now I have to lift said box once again up and over my head two times.....what?  Try and ask her again to explain herself so I can get a little breather in.  Okay did it..... I think!  My mind was a little off at this point.  

Done?   Nope...not yet!  Now I have to go and walk half a mile on treadmill! I know half a mile isn't much but after doing all that heavy lifting...which I'm far from used to, with no break......UGH!!!  I can do it....right?

I did it!

Got right off treadmill and that's it.Out the door you go.  No you pass or you fail! 

Hmmm....I guess I'll give it a few days and see if I get another call telling me what to do from here!  I'll keep you all posted! Right now I'm just resting after my stressful day.  Got my feet up! LOL!!  In my dreams!

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