I'm sure by now you have all forgotten about me! It's been so long since my last blog....but that hasn't been my fault! We do not have a computer at home!!! Yes, you heard me!! And it's driving me CRAZY!!! I need my computer hooked up! I have to go to the local library if I need to do anything on the computer...you know important things...like get on face book, blogging and oh yeah try and find a job! So, it seems like we have been here at the library almost every day!!
We are here! We are in our house and I'm still trying to get things done. The simple things like hanging things on the walls and stuff like that. I still have some things to unpack, but it's the little unimportant things. So, the garage is a mess! But it can wait....right? I think so!
The trip here was...hmmm....how can I put this nicely? It was hellish!! I know sometimes I dislike using those words on my blog...but hey that's what it was. It seemed like every day something went wrong! Tim and I lost each other one day! I just kept on driving!! That's what he told me to do! I was just following his directions! We finally caught up with each other on the border of the next state! It was funny the next day! Had a little car trouble and Tim just left us.....kept on driving as the kids and I are shouting in the walkie talkie!!! Finally the car started going again!! Good thing! He was down the road about 30 miles wondering where we went! We didn't go anywhere!!! So, many more stories! But in the end we made it!!
We are glad to be Home! Home with our family! It still seems like I'm just visiting. I still havent' gotten my home legs yet!
PS. I guess now we can't be Kentucky kids anymore! Any ideas for a new name?
So glad your back. I can't imagine how long that trip home must have been!!! You survived!!! Looking forward to seeing you in a couple days finally!
I am pondering names....
Hmmm for names....Mom's good at this stuff so we need to hit her up...
Lacey Days
Living in Something Lacey
I like Capital Kids.
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