Monday, January 24, 2011

Ty's Young Achiever pictures~

Here is Ty's picture for his Young Achievers that he was nominated for.  This picture is up at the local mall.  We went and had to get his picture by it on Saturday night...I mean how many times will your child's picture be up at the mall?  I don't think many times.  I think he was a little embarrassed, but he made it through!  I only got to take a few photos...not as many as I would have liked to take.  But they will be at school soon!

This is the one that we will get when it's all said and done.  It cost a pretty penny, but we had to have it!!

This photo tells you a little about why he was chosen to be a Young Achiever. 

Okay, so we are on the road to find out who wins.  One of the Young Achievers from each school will win and the big winner.  Like I said in one of my other posts, he has some pretty tough competition.  But I guess it's not about winning , even though that would be nice, it's about being nominated by his teachers.  He's a really good kid and student.  So, I guess that says a lot about him already!  I'll keep you posted if I hear anything.

1 comment:

Bettie said...

Yes, he is a GREAT kid! He is the winner in my eyes!