All that I can say about last that it sucked!! I know I hate using that word...but it did! It was was sad....and it just didn't seem to have an end!! It seemed like things just never ended. Like there was always something right around the corner just waiting...just teasing us. Just when we thought, just maybe something good might happen....NOPE!!! Not going to happen! Can this year get better? It has too!! Not only for me and my family.......but for my extended family!!! All of us!! Things have to have a Happy Ending. I won't take anything less then that!
So, as far as my blog goes.........I know this last year I have spent many days blogging about my sadness. I know that maybe some of you might not want to hear about it. Some of you might be thinking to yourselves that maybe I should just get over it. That maybe I should just TRY and think about the good things and not so much about the things that make me sad. But it's Mom was such an important part of my life and to just not have her in it all of the sudden is a shock!! It was a shock to all of us and for so many of us we are still grieving for her and I don't think that I'm ready to be done talking about her. I still can't sit here and do this without tears. But I do understand that maybe I have spent this last year in my little bubble....that I have not gotten the help that I may have needed.
1 comment:
I totally agree with you. 2011 HAS to be a better year.
Your blog is your blog to talk about what you want to talk about, so that is what you should do. I always read your blogs, but sometimes don't comment because I just don't know what to say or atleast have something helpful to say. You should always feel free to talk about your Mom! Not talking about definately won't help.
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