Friday, January 7, 2011

Feeling Bad.....:(

Every since I have wrote my last post I have been feeling bad!!  I hope that who ever read it didn't think I was talking about you!  I guess I was mainly thinking that I should be doing better and that you might be thinking the same thing.  I know my blog maybe a downer blog and maybe I should try posting uplifting things!!  Maybe I should try and do what I first set out to do.....write about my Mom, stories about her.  I'm sure once and awhile I will put in my feelings and tell you how I'm feeling, but I will try and do other things.  Make it not so depressing!!!   Sound good?  Okay!  That's what I will do! 

Devin had his surgery on the 4th.  It was an easy one.  He just had his stent taken out.  So, he was only in surgery for about 10 minutes...maybe.  It took longer for them to get him ready and for recovery.  We went in at 11:15 and we were home at 2:15.  He was eating a sandwich a few minutes after that!  So, he was back to himself.  The doctor did say that he did have some stone fragments on his stent already forming!!!  UGH!!!  What are we going to do about that!!  He is testing the fragments and hopefully we will hear something next week.  He did mention that Devin needs to drink LOTS of water.  Devin didn't like hearing this.  But you have to do it!  He goes in to see him in February (22nd) for a post op and an ultrasound.  I guess we will see what happens then! 

Ty's picture for his Young Achievers will be at the mall for a week later this month and then they will be putting it up at his school for a few weeks.  It's been a long time coming and then we will see who wins.  Ty has some pretty good competition!  One student from his school will win and then one student will win the BIG prize from all the schools around here.  I'm sure I will post a picture of him standing by his picture!!  I'll keep you posted on that.

Okay now this is a secret......Emmie does not want her Daddy to know this!!!!  So, keep it under wraps!  She has a crush on a little boy in her classroom!!  I think it's pretty early for her to have a crush!!  What about you??  Well, his name is Reese!  Her and her BFF both like him!  She writes his name all over the place!  When Tim asked her about it....she came up with a really good's a stuffed animal!!!  Good one Emmie!!! working away!  He has had some time off over Christmas.  But he is getting ready for Spring!!  Another busy season!  He has enjoyed having some time off to be with the kids and TJ.  He likes going for walks.  He will be going on a little trip in February with the Big boys!  Going to watch a little Hockey!! 

Me.......I'm back to work.  It's in a new classroom and it's a little bit tougher!  The kids are still getting to know me and I'm still getting to know them.  I really like the lady I work with.  She's super nice and sweet!  Other then that, not doing much.  I need to be working on my scrapping!!!  I'm falling way behind!!!  Maybe this weekend I'll get something done......or maybe not!!  LOL!  I do have some other things I need to work on!

Well, I just jabbered away!!  Just making sure you all knew what was going on in our house!!

Happy New Year!  :)


christine said...

I can't imagine that anyone would think badly about your last post.

I love the update on the kids!! And for including TJ!

Good to hear Devin's surgery was good and quick. I love being able to visualize where Ty's picture will be at the Mall! Emmie is so adorable, her first little crush!

What kind of hours are your working? Maybe you can tell me in an email....hint, hint!

Hope to talk to you soon!

Anonymous said...

Hey Lori - I thought of you today when I watched Oprah because it was about a family that their three children in a car wreck about three years ago. They talked about grieving and holding on to each other. They also said that things like, "Time will heal" and "It happened for a reason." only made them feel worse and that people really didn't know what they were going through.
They still think of their babies and tear up, but they now have tripletts and are living their lives. It was very inspirational!
Hang in there and as I have said before, know that some people may not understand, but they love you!!
Hugs to the family!