I don't know if I told you that I'm working on a scrapbook of her and I have only got a few pages done, well about 4 double pages. I want the kids to have something to look at when they get older. I'm so scared that they will forget all about her and not remember what a great Grandma she was. I also would want their kids to know as much about her also. It's just so sad that she isn't here, I always thought that she would be here (you see here I go, jumping from one thing to another!). Anyways......last week I was working on one and it was just pictures of her and I. Well, first of all I don't have very many of those, so I treasure all of those, but while looking at them and trying to decide which ones to put on the scrapbook, I kind of had a real moment! I guess you could say a bad moment. I just still can't get a grasp on it that she is gone, I know I say that a lot! But it's true. She was such a part of my life and it still feels like she should be here. I still want to pick up the phone and call her. So anyways......I did end up finishing the page and I thought it turned out good. Well, as good as I can make it. I ended up using the Daughters Promise on the page. I love that poem and have wanted to use it in something since I found it. I'm still wishing that I had more pictures of her! I just want to kick myself for not taking more!!! I have a pile that I'm going through and I'm going to get this scrapbook done by the one year mark! I have too! If I don't it will just go on with the other things that I have not finished. I'm doing this not only for her, but for me and the kids! We all need it to look at when we are missing her. I will have the kids write a little letter in it and then they will remember when they get older what they were feeling this year.
I just have to add a little thing that Emmie said a few days ago. She had wanted to sleep on the couch for some reason and I said sure. After getting her all ready she said, "This makes me feel like I'm at Grandmas house." I said, "Why?" She says, "I'm so comfortable!" It made me smile.
I love these pages Lori. I wish I had more of me and Mom that I could scrapbook. I know exactly what you mean about being able to put things in words, and then you just draw a blank. It happens a lot to me. It's a great idea to have the kids write stuff about Mom. I am going to steal it a little and write things that they say to me about her. Sorry for being a stealer. But it's a good idea! That's way too cute about what Emmie said. Comfortable is right though, she always made the kids feel like that...and us too. She was a good Mom, and the best Grandma ever. They'll never forget her.
I love that scrapbook. What a great idea.
You both look so young in the last picture - I love it!
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