I went in this am for my second mammogram. I guess that I do have the dense breast tissue and I also had two areas of concern that they wanted to look at. She only had to take two slides, one on each breast. So that made it a little easier and again it wasn't all that painful for me...I'm not going to say it won't be painful for you, because everyone handles pain a little differently. I'm just hoping that it won't be painful for you all. Anyways.......I go and wait to see if I will need to get an other tests while I'm there. She had told me that if everything looked good they might not have to do an ultrasound.
I'm waiting and waiting and waiting...........................................................................................................
Then I finally hear my name called....it's a different lady this time. I thought they were just going to take me back and talk to me. Nope....going in for an ultrasound. Yes, I do have to admit I was a little bit scared at this point. Maybe not scared but concerned???
I get that test done. I then have to wait in the room and she is going to go and talk to the doctor about the ultrasound. Again I'm waiting and waiting. Don't you just hate waiting??
Come to find out I have a cyst in one of my breasts. Not really sure what that means in the long run. But now instead of coming in every year, I will have to go in every six months.
This is what my paper says:
Your Examinations demonstrate findings, which require a shorter follow-up time than the standard yearly exam.
Looking at it now not only do I have to have a mammogram but also a ultrasound! I didn't notice that until now! Do you think this is ever going to end???
Is that all they are doing? Telling you that and then sending you on your way? Do you get to talk to a docotor or are they expecting you to wait six months????
What is the next step?
I spelled doctor wrong. I was all fired up. :)
I looked up cysts this afternoon, I forgot to put that I was going to in my blog and it looks like they are pretty normal. Sometimes if they get large and become painful then they will take out the fluid in them.
I was talking to Tim tonight and he says that I should go and get copies of all my tests that they did and give them to a doctor friend of his. His wife is a breast doctor and she will look at it for free and tell us what she thinks. So.....I think we might do that. Just to be on the extra safe side. I guess his friend says that where I went isn't as good as where his wife works. So, we will just see what happens from here.
I like that idea Lori....might as well utilize the extra look...it can't hurt right? I am glad you went in...I am sure you feel a little better about it. Now it's going to be my turn next month.. blah! Oh well, we are taking care of things that need to be done, and I just think everyday about how I wish Mom would have taken care of stuff like this more. I know that she is tough, and I think we all get that toughness from her. And I also know that she put everyone in front of her needs, and I just wish that would have been different. Nothing we can do about it now, except for what you are doing...and I am proud of you for being the brave one and doing it first! Mom would have been glad you did it too. I know she was there in spirit Lori. She always will be... but I can't say that it makes it any easier...not to have a phone call from her asking what the doctor said I'm sure... it's just not the same...we know it never will be. Nonetheless, we are all so glad you are fine...
That's a great idea Lori.
I re-read my comment from Friday. I'm sorry I was all worked up. As you know, doctors aren't my favorite people (just the ones I've dealt with - not much help) so I got all upset that they didn't have more to say to you.
Anyway, I am really proud of you for doing all of this and following through.
I remember that my mom had a couple of cysts in her breasts and they drained the fluid. She said it was not painful.
I think Tim's idea is a great one Lori. It never hurts to get a second look at something, especially when you have a connection like that. I say do it!
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