This morning I went in for my very first mammogram. I was a little nervous about it all and not at all excited about it! But I went in and got it done. I have to do this now every year. Not just for me, but for my family and my Mom. I'm not sure why she didn't go, we will never know. I don't hold it against her, I can't. I wish she would have, but there is nothing that I can do about it now. I'm sure she was scared, we all are. We don't want to hear the bad things in life, but as we are all learning the bad things in life happen and they happen to us!
All I see as I go into the office is breast cancer signs and pink ribbons and how they remind me of my Mom. I of course pick up one of the free ribbons that they have. Why? To remind me of my Mom, not that I need to be reminded, but it's just nice to have. I'm sure you would have picked one up too. I carefully put it in my purse and think that's going to go in her scrapbook.
As I'm sitting their waiting for them to call my name my only thoughts are on my Mom. They call me in and ask the basic questions and then comes the one question that I'm dreading and know is coming.
Do you have breast cancer in your family?
Before I always could answer no....but now I have to say yes and then I have to say my Mom. That makes it ten times worse. Then they ask me when and what age and they give me the look. The I'm sorry look, that's nice, but you just really don't want to see it right now look!
Anyways.....they do it and come to find out, it's not bad. I mean it's not the best feeling in the world. But I was thinking it was really going to hurt. I said that to the lady doing it and she said it feels different to everyone. So, for me it wasn't that bad. Which I'm thankful for. I will get the results back in a week or so. I'll let you know how it turns out.
I walk out of the office feeling like I have accomplished something. Still sad and thinking of my Mom, but glad that I have taken the first step.
Lori, I am so glad you got in and did this. I am sure you feel much better now that it's over. We all need to get in there and do it, so you went first. Now it's our turn. She would have been happy you did it, and I know a big part of you did it for her. That is the best thing about it...
I am so proud of you for getting a mammogram. I'm sure it wasn't an easy thing to do.
We come from a long line of very stubborn women. It's time we broke that cycle!
Your mom would have been proud of you. I'm sure a huge part of her not going to the doctor sooner was fear. I'm proud of you for tackling that fear. You are an inspiration!
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