I was thinking the other day as I was putting Emmie's coat on, that my Mom had got her this coat. She had told me about it when she bought it at a garage sale and said how cute it was and she couldn't wait for me to see it when we came home during the summer. Then I got to thinking that she has been the one to get Emmie all her winter coats since she has been born. Then it brought on the tears.....now I'll be the one to have to get them. Not that I don't want to get them, it was just that my Mom liked to get them and they were always a little old fashioned. Just like my Mom liked. Wherever we went someone would always say how cute Emmie's coat was. Just the other day we were at the grocery store and we weren't even looking at the lady, we were turned the other way and she had to get our attention just to tell us how much she liked Emmie's coat. It was always like that. Last year it was her pink furry coat! I guess you could say my Mom loved coats. She also liked to keep
the kids warm!
Now will I ever think of a winter coat the same way?
I just left a comment on Lyndsey's blog that I wish there was something that could be said to take the pain away. I know there's not and it really sucks!!
I can't stop reading your blog. You can tell the "before" and the "after" posts. You sound so sad now. I can't even imagine what you are going through.
I'm sure every coat you pick out from now on will have a little touch of your mom's taste! :)
Lori, it's going to be tough for us to do things as good as Mom did. Nothing will ever be as good, and we know that. At least like Kelly said, we will just have to add a little of Mom's taste in those special things that Mom would do for our kids. It was coats for sure, even my kids, but she adored buying Emmie anything pink, and warm! Always garage sale finds, and maybe one of us will get her good luck in garage sales and good deals! She could always find something super cute and only a quarter! That's what she'd always say, it was only a quarter! How could she NOT buy it??? We can only hope that by talking about what a special person and Grandma, and Mom she was to all of us that they will remember her, and know how much she loved them.
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