1. The obvious one....LOSE WEIGHT! I need to lose about 10 more pounds to be what I want! It's the last ten that are the hard ones! Any good hints?
2. Spend more time with the kids. I guess more one on one time with the boys is what I need. Emmie gets a lot since I'm home with her all day long and the boys just don't get enough.
3. Get more scrap booking done! I actually did some today! I did 3 pages! One for each child! It felt kind of nice to get it done! I just need to do it! I have the stuff to do it, I just need to do it!
4. Not worry so much! I know, I know! You are all saying that will never happen, but I can only try! I think I worry so much that I sometimes make myself sick!
5. Be more organized! That's a big one in this house. With 5 of us here it's hard to stay on top of every ones things and I usually just pile it in a drawer and then have to hunt it down.
Hmmm, I think that's about it for now. but I'm sure I'll think if something to add to it! Now, remember you have to tell me yours!
PS. If you noticed the High School Musical music on the sidebar....I did that for Emmie! She loves it and thinks it's pretty cool! Even though I might just know all the words to the songs doesn't mean anything!
I sure enjoy this blog! It makes me feel as if I'm right there watching your family grow. You do a great job!
As for resolutions, I only made two this year: 1)To stop buying things I don't need 2)To start uncluttering this house. That second one will be very tough. You know how hard it is for me to give anything up!
Happy New Year to all of you!
so I have been wondering if I even want to make resolutions, since you know how they usually go. But if I don't then it will be like I'm not trying. So here goes...
1. the obvious lose weight
2. the other obvious scrapbook more
3. play with the boys more...seems like I get caught up cleaning and things and don't get time to enjoy the best part of having them. Playing with them.
4. be more organized...which would help in numbers 1-3!
5. eat more salad!
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