Thursday, January 29, 2009
Early Birthday gift~
Devin got an early Birthday gift from Pa. He got a jacket. He really has been enjoying it during these cold weeks that we have been having here in Kentucky! It keeps him nice and warm!
Cute Outfit~
Emmie got this cute outfit from Leah. You just can't go wrong with a brown and pink outfit! She loved it! She got very excited when she first saw it. The only problem that we had with it is that she thinks that the bow has to be in the front! I showed her that the tag is in the back, but no she had to have it this way. So, rather then fight with her I just went ahead and let her wear it backwards! What can you do! I mean it does look cute with it in front! We just won't tell anyone, well besides all of you! 
Devin's Christmas
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Emmie's Christmas
Here are a few pictures of Emmie opening some of her gifts. She got her very own CD player from Santa Claus so she could sing away to her new High School Musical CD. 
She had a very High School Musical Christmas. she got got these dolls from Kelly, Pete, Ian and Ryan. She is now only missing a few of the kids from the movie! She plays with them all the time.
She also got some Barbie's from Lyndsey, Joe, Colby and Carter. She is so into puppies right now that this was a big hit for her. She is always giving out pretend puppies to every one. I think I must have at least 100 by now! 
Her Princess Pez collection was also a big hit! I do have to say the pez candy didn't last long! I'm not even sure if it made it into the princess's! She is a candy girl!
She had a great Christmas and loved everything that she got. I couldn't get pictures of everything. She got a HSM blanket from Mindy and family and sleeps with it every night! That was a great gift! Thanks to everyone for all the wonderful gifts.
The HAT!
As I have told you in a previous post, Ty loves Hats. The crazier the better! He got this hat from Grandma Bettie and Grandpa Steve for Christmas and he wore it all afternoon. We had to force him to take it off while eating Christmas dinner, but it didn't go far, it stayed right by him on the chair! He wears it to school every day. He LOVES it! The good thing about it is that it not only looks cool but also keeps him warm.
Goodie Boxes!
Devin's Booblehead
This was a Christmas gift that Devin got from his Grandma Jenny. She had a Bobble Head that was made to look just like him. I think it turned out pretty good! He loved it! 
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!!!
1. The obvious one....LOSE WEIGHT! I need to lose about 10 more pounds to be what I want! It's the last ten that are the hard ones! Any good hints?
2. Spend more time with the kids. I guess more one on one time with the boys is what I need. Emmie gets a lot since I'm home with her all day long and the boys just don't get enough.
3. Get more scrap booking done! I actually did some today! I did 3 pages! One for each child! It felt kind of nice to get it done! I just need to do it! I have the stuff to do it, I just need to do it!
4. Not worry so much! I know, I know! You are all saying that will never happen, but I can only try! I think I worry so much that I sometimes make myself sick!
5. Be more organized! That's a big one in this house. With 5 of us here it's hard to stay on top of every ones things and I usually just pile it in a drawer and then have to hunt it down.
Hmmm, I think that's about it for now. but I'm sure I'll think if something to add to it! Now, remember you have to tell me yours!
PS. If you noticed the High School Musical music on the sidebar....I did that for Emmie! She loves it and thinks it's pretty cool! Even though I might just know all the words to the songs doesn't mean anything!
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