Friday, December 26, 2008
Sour Cream Cookies with Emmie
Here is Emmie making Sour Cream cookies one of my all time favorites. This is the cookie that she picked to make. I think she likes the frosting more then the cookie. 
Coconut Balls with Ty
Monday, December 22, 2008
Maggie and Mollie
Here is a picture of Maggie and Mollie. I'm sure most of you have seen them before, but I thought that it wasn't very nice of me to not have them on our family blog! I'm surprised that Emmie hasn't said something to me about not having them on here! Maggie kind of had a hard time this year. We had to remove a large tumor that was on her back side. They said that it most likely will come back and that we might only have her for another year. But she seems to be doing very well, even better then we thought.
Maggie and Mollie
Christmas Goodies!
This is what Devin and I did tonight! I decided that I would let each one of the kids pick their favorite holiday treat and we would make it together. Devin was the first one to get to make his choice and he wanted to make Peanut Butter Butterscotch Balls! I do have to say that he picked a favorite of mine! It was a really nice night for us to make them. Ty ended up going to a friends house to spend the night and Tim took Emmie with him to a basketball game so it was just the two of us! 
Friday, December 19, 2008
Putting up the Christmas tree!
We actually put up the Christmas tree a couple weeks ago so I'm posting these a little late! As you can see we have a little baby tree. We got rid of our other one last year and got his little one thinking that we would only use it for the year and then get a bigger one, but I guess we will be using it again this year. Which is fine, because we do have a pretty small area for a tree to go into, so it works out fine for now.
Here are the kids each doing some decorating of the tree. We can only put on half of our ornaments because it's so small and it just might tip over if we get to many on one side.

Ty wanted to put up my favorite little snowman ornament. 
I think they all had fun decorating the tree and were all just waiting for there to be presents under it! Only a few more days! Seems like it goes faster every year! They are all very excited and the boys are glad that today is their last day of school! Devin has had finals all week long and is looking forward to some time off from studying.
Emmie gets a hair cut!
Here is a picture of Emmie before we got her hair cut. She has been putting it off for some time. It's just been getting really hard for me to brush and it's been taking me a long time to get all of the tangles out of it. She did not want it short, which I told her was fine. We just needed to cut off the ends and try and make it a little more healthy looking.
Just getting ready for the cut!
I kind of liked this picture of her with it all up and it showed where we were starting the cut at. The lady that was cutting her hair asked me if I would like to take the first cut! I said no. I didn't want to mess it up.
I do have to tell you that she did cry a little bit while getting it cut! It was a little sad for her.
Here it is all done. I think it looks pretty cute. Now she can even wear her hair down and it will look good. Before the only way it looked good was if she was either wearing it in pony tails or in braids. What do you think? I'll try and get a picture of the front of her in the next few days. I just wanted to show the back where you can really see the difference. She ended up getting about 6 inches cut off. 
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Letters to Santa on a snowy Saturday!
This is what we woke up to this morning! It was perfect for what we had planned!
This is Santa's mailbox. They had it downtown. I read about it in the paper and thought it was a super cute idea. I guess Santa will write you a letter back, so I had the kids write Santa a letter this morning and they all got to put their letter in the box.

Here is Emmie putting her letter in the box, I do have to tell you that it was very cold out this afternoon! It was only about 25 degrees while we were putting the letters in. It had just stopped snowing while we were driving. 
Devin was a little embarrassed about the whole thing, but he did it! 
This morning Ty had a little trouble writing his letter to Santa, but ended up getting it done. I did keep copies of the letters and plan to scrapbook the letter, this picture and the letter that they get from Santa. I'm always thinking of scraping! I just need to do it! I'm only behind by a couple of years or so!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We had a pretty good one here. The kids enjoyed a nice relaxing day. They just played around the house. I got them to go outside and take a picture this afternoon. The sun was out and it was actually a little warm, well in the low 50's. 
I then for the first time tried my timer so I could get all five of us in the picture. You wouldn't now that this family even had a Mom. It seems like I'm never in a picture. Maybe because I'm not really wanting my picture taken, see the way I'm kind of hiding in the back? But I guess the kids might want to see pictures of me someday! 
Here we are just getting ready to eat. If you can believe this everything actually turned out this year! I usually have something go wrong and this year even my stuffing turned out! The turkey was very moist and good. We ended up getting a 18 pound one this year because we couldn't find any smaller ones by the time we ended up buying ours. But I guess we are going to have some leftover turkey sandwiches come tomorrow for lunch and then turkey dinner again tomorrow night. Then from there turkey soup and so on!!! Turkey for a few more days! I hope the kids like turkey!
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day! We sure missed seeing everyone!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Growning up!

I was going through some old pictures on the computer and stumbled across some pictures of the boys when they were little. The top one is of Ty. He must be around a year old here. I love Ty's little smile in this picture. It's hard to believe that Devin is now 15! Where has the time gone! This has to be one of my most favorite pictures of him. He was such a wonderful little boy and still is, just not so little anymore! He gets taller and taller every day!
Christmas Advent Calendar
Can you see the excitement on the kids faces! Grandma Bettie and Grandpa Steve sent them the much awaited for Advent calendar! They all love this every year! Emmie has seen this at the store and the boys told her that Grandma usually sends them one and sure enough yesterday in the mail there it was!
They have it first thing in the morning starting December first! Not a day goes by that they don't remember! Thanks Grandma Bettie and Grandpa Steve! The kids love it!!!! Now we know Christmas is just right around the corner! Sorry about Emmie's wonderful pretty hair!!!! We spent the whole day at home because it was so cold out and of course pink eye made it's way to Ty so he was at home all day. Hopefully it stops with him!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Sunny Sunday
It was such a nice sunny day that Tim decided that he and the kids should get the leaves up in the front yard. There really wasn't all that many leaves, well enough to fill up the yard bin and a yard bag. So, I of course thought I should go out and take a few photos! Leaves and fall photos! What a great idea! Well, except for the kids complaining as I'm trying to take their picture that the sun is in their eyes and they would all rather be in the house doing other things! So, that lasts all of five minutes! 
Emmie got a hair full of leaves! Devin missed the bin and got her instead!
Little Miss Ham herself. She really needs a haircut! I'm thinking of getting her hair cut off a bit. I'm trying to convince her of it and she's just not going for it. Not all of it just maybe below her shoulders a bit. But her bangs really need it. I know everyone says that you should just let them grow out......but I just can't do it!
Ty's Thanksgiving Feast
This is a picture of Ty's project that he had to do for his America month. He is really into Abraham Lincoln so he wanted to do make the log cabin that he was born in, which just happens to be here in Kentucky. His is the one with the white roof and the brown house. Well, the only log cabin that you see. They have it displayed in the school just as you walk in the front door! We just had to get a picture of that!
Here is Ty and Emmie in line for the Thanksgiving Feast at Ty's school. As you can see by Emmie's eyes she had pink eye! I wasn't able to go to the lunch because I was working at Mom's Day Out that day! It was a little depressing! That was the first time in all four years that I have missed his Thanksgiving lunch. Tim was able to go so I don't think Ty really minded all that much. I think I was more upset about it the anybody else was. I did find out that day that as of January 1st I will have a permanent position! That will be nice for both Emmie and I. No more waiting for the phone to ring on Tuesday and Thursday mornings! I do love the class I will be working in. The kids are wonderful and the day goes by fast.
Look at those big swelled up eyes! They are
alot better now!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Silly picture~
I took this picture of the kids before Halloween and thought they looked kind of silly. Emmie is in her little ballerina outfit. She runs around the house in that for a few days and then forgets about it.
It's hard to believe that's it's already November! Christmas is fast approaching! It seems like it comes faster and faster every year!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Just a few more!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween
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